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Early spring garden update..

Category: Numb's Garden Life | Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:55 pm

ok im back with a lil update of things going on in the garden..

mystery flower at the back of the yard..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

Wisteria growing along the powerlines in the back..

powerline wysteria.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

Ornamental Peaches are growing...

Ornamental Peaches are fruiting... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my lil plant garden outside the back door..

my lil backdoor plant bed.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery plant coming up.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

kipper the dog... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

didnt know this was a dogwood back here until it flowered..

small dogwood ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery cocoon... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery cocoon... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery cocoon.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery bush flower... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

mystery bush... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my starter spot.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

my starter spot.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

Stargazer Lillies coming up.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

potted purple tulips.. ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

Lambs Ear and Easter Lilly ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

reamerging butterfly bush... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

reamerging buttefly bush... ( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

just some spring stuff going on in my area.. :-)

heres a better shot from last year of my wisteria powerlines..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

these large red ants love this plant, they spend a lot of time on the flower balls like in the picture. I dont think they harm anything.

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

here it is blooming..

( photo / image / picture from Green_Numb's Garden )

Last edited: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:57 pm

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Droopy wrote on Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:02 pm:

Looking good! :D Your top mystery bloom is a bearded Iris, lovely blooms. Your next mystery plant is a peony of some sort. The flowering bush is a Prunus padus I think.


Jewell _2009 wrote on Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:07 pm:

Pretty little iris in the first pic. I read other stewies writing about wisteria being such a pest, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Looks like you are going to have peonies also. Love your little Kipper. What kind of dog is he?


eileen wrote on Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:27 pm:

Great photographs. I'm glad you've had ID's for some of your mystery plants as it's always good to know what you have emerging in the garden.

Keep an eye on that cocoon and you may be lucky enough to see what type of butterfly/moth appears.

I love you Queen of the Night tulips. I have them too and they are very special to me.

Kipper is very photogenic and looks full of fun!!


Green_Numb wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:41 pm:

a bearded iris huh, cool thanks for the i.d! I have trouble remembering some plant names so i will come back to the stew when i forget :-)
The peony i.d. seems spot on too, i will post some older pics of them in bloom to see what you think.

I was looking at some images of the prunus padus and i think its different from what i have. The blooms on this are almost like butterfly bush blooms but smaller and more delicate looking. I will see if the flowers get any bigger but i think they are full size.

The wisteria vines can be a lil invasive but for my garden they are not too bad, i just chop the ones that crawl into the wrong areas. I look forward to the wisteria each year blooming. I will post a better pic of them as well that i got last year. I just recently pulled up a vine with some roots along it and im trying to get it to grow along my fence..


Green_Numb wrote on Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:44 pm:

Kipper is a jack russel and he's very wild and doesnt watch out for my hostas and likes to use the bathroom up or on some of the low level plants!

I didnt even think about the tullips, thanks for the i.d its nice to have such an awesome named plant. :-)

Im also keeping an eye on that cocoon...


Sherry8 wrote on Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:31 pm:

Very nice gardens...I see someone told you the first one was an Iris...I have alot of them. They spread and every 3-4 years you have to thin them out..I give some away and stick the others where ever I have an empty spot.

smiles4sunshine54 wrote on Wed Apr 29, 2009 1:05 pm:

Lovely garden - thanks for sharing the beautiful views!

shannonrose wrote on Sat May 02, 2009 1:39 am:

I was wondering is the shrub a Clethera Sumersweet?


Green_Numb wrote on Tue May 05, 2009 12:34 pm:

im really not sure what it is? I think it might be some wild variety of something but i dont know...
I looked at what you spoke of and im still uncertain if its exactly it. Maybe it was the shape of the plant and how its more tall than bushy like the pics ive seen, not sure..

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