Eagles Nest........cont.
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:23 am
Once at the Eagles Nest, the views are stunning. 360 panoramic views of the countryside.
After the war one of the first things the Austrians did was to erect a cross above the Eagles Nest. As you know, during his tyrannical reign, Hitler banned all crosses and all religion. Erecting the cross was a symbol of triumph for Austria.
Here we are at the cross. The original cross was destroyed over the years, and finally finished off by a severe storm. A new one was erected in 2003.
The Eagle´s Nest itself and the unique Kehlstein road were constructed in an extremely short period of time despite the difficulties of wartime: the fortress-like residence took one year to build, the Kehlstein road thirteen months. The unique design of the road has no counterpart anywhere in the world. It makes no more than
a single bend in its ascent of the towering 700 metres between the Obersalzberg and the Kehlstein carpark, traversing the steep north-west face of the Kehlstein twice as it does so. The road is now closed to normal traffic; it can only be accessed by a special bus service.
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