My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:56 pm
Lucerne is a beautiful city. It is situated next to a huge lake, which we cruised on, and also at the foot of some spectacular mountains.
Here is a normal street.
And a typical house
In the middle of Lucerne, spanning the river, is a fantastic footbridge. This bridge is over 800 years old! It was certainly built to last
In the bridge, at each support beam, is a pictorial history of the city and surrounding areas. I wished I could read the language, but even looking at the pictures gives a good idea of the history.
The tower in the middle of the river was used for defense of the city long ago. It is now a small tourist shop.
Also, in the heart of the business area in lucerne is a unique sundial.
Not only does this sundial give the time of day, it also gives the month of the year.
A closeup of the sundial. Sorry, it does not adjust for daylight savings!
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