On to Paris.....
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:37 am
From there we journeyed to Paris.
Now, I gotta say, Paris is CRRAZY!! I thought the drivers were bad in Italy. Paris tops them by miles! There is only one rule - THERE ARE NO RULES. Anything goes.
If you want to park in the middle of the lane and duck into the shops - feel free. If you can't find a park, simply bump someone else out of theirs! True. they even have a name for it - tamping. Everyones bumper bar is is all buckled where they have either tamped - or been tamped.
Most people leave their cars out of gear and with the handbrake off, as repairs to gearboxes and brakes after being tamped are expensive.
(Having problems with my server at present so will upload pics later)
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