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Back on track again!
Posted: 13 Mar 2006 Posted: 10 Jan 2006 Posted: 24 Dec 2005 Posted: 22 Dec 2005 Posted: 22 Dec 2005 All Entries |
Wonderful London still......In the U.K. , as in Australia (and probably most other places) there is an ample supply of pubs. Some are very elite and cater for exclusive clientele. Others are family oriented. Others are just plain 'gurgle houses'! Here is one that we went in for a traditional English Roast dinner. As we entered I did wonder "Roast what???" But it was fine. I was assured it was roast beef.... and with Yorkshire Pudding...yummy. We dont have that in Australia. At least, i've never had it until I went in here. Here we are with some good friends enjoying a great Guinness before dinner. it was a 'self serve' style and it was really a great meal. I think the best we had while we were away. The next morning it was off to Madame Tuossards waxworks. Some pics have already been posted. here are a couple that were missed first time around. I ran into an old mate, Brad Pitt. Dunno who he was with. Some girl. Oh well, he'll probably have a different one next time I see him. Also ran into John Wayne (Isn't he dead?). "Well pilgrim.... don't just stand there. Git a rope and snag those steers" We also tried out to be Gaurds, but were too short they said! Actually, I was pleased. Those fur hats tickle your ears and those bright red uniforms make you stand out in a crowd too much. Besides, there's no pockets to keep stuff in. Where would I put my mobile phone, PDA, pens, wallet, etc, etc. So we said goodbye to the Royal Gaurds and moved on. I also ran into President Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair. Together we formulated a plan for World Peace, Eradication of Poverty and free worldwide pizza for everyone. (thick or thin base, your choice) They gave me the honour of announcing our plan on worldwide TV, while they stood with me in support. I then bumped into 4 likely lads from Liverpool. They were just laying around so I started to whistle a tune. They picked it up very quickly and played it for a few minutes. Paul asked "What tune is that?" "One of my own compositions" I said. "Hmmmm... I like it. What is it?" "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah" I said. And that is how they came by that song! I am led to believe it became quite popular. ;-) This blog entry has been viewed 756 times
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Haha hilarious Craig. You really get around! I think that's the gorgeous Angelina Jolie beside Brad Pitt. I bet they just put the two waxworks beside each other when they heard the rumours.
Yes, we did find Kylie. But the line for her was nearly as large as the one for Prince Harry!
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