On to France & Holland
My latest Europe trip | Posted:
Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:50 am
The next day we joined the bus tour and journeyed down to Dover. It is high security at Dover. Everything checked, including hand luggage.
Here is a pic of the ferry which runs from Dover to Calais. (Actually there are about 6 ferries)
Our first view of France.
It was very misty as we came in to Calais and the beach was pretty much deserted. But it was great just seeing it.
On the way we passed haeps of French farms. I couldn't get over how green everything was. Here in Australia it is quite dry. (Australia is the driest continent on earth. And South Australia, where we are, is the driest state! Even now we have water restrictions.)
As well as some traditional Dutch windmills.
Another fascinating idea. In Australia we have dairy farms in which the cows and paddocks are separated by fences. Because of the abundance of water in France & Holland, they use water filled ditches to separate them. Saves on posts and wire! And the cows can always get a drink!
And we also went on a river cruise along the river Het Ij. Here is one of the bridges spanning the river. Land is at a premium in Amsterdam. people live wherever they can. Flats and units are small with some people buying small houseboats and living on the river itself. (The houseboats are permanently moored to the bank, some even with overhead carports on the roof of the boat!)
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