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Edlou8181's Blog

WHAT A storm

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:03 am

Well friends the big storm is finally over and we got 3"
The storm start on time and was just a mess.
Frick and Frack were confused but never went out side.
Now if I can get rid of this cold I will be grateful.
Sleep warm

Newest snowstorm ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 331 times

Its Over

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 3:52 am

Well friends I hope you had a Merry Christmas.
The keets are asleep and thank goodness.
I wore my Santa hat and they went crazy so I removed it.
It was quiet as I had NO guests and that was ok with me.
Merry Christmas to ALL on Garden Stew
sleep warm

This blog entry has been viewed 381 times

Merry Christmas

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2016 2:10 am

Well friends its that when I wish all of my friends a MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Its almost 9 PM and Frick & Frack are hopeing for a present.
Both keets love to get out of the cage and its my chore to return them and I get bit every time.
And Frick's new thing is to scream at the top of her lungs and its to cool outside so I can't put them out.
We had rain this morning then sun this afternoon with it getting colder for the new years.
I feel sorry for the people who are in the Midwest with all the snow out there.
Well friends have a Merry Christmas and sleep warm

Same tree but from years ago in old Apt. ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

The new Frick & Frack
( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 324 times

Bad 2 Months

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2016 3:37 am

Friends its been a bad year for me.
First my Sister and then Frack died last month.
Today the other keet Frickette died this evening.
I don't know what Im doing wrong because I clean their cage EVERY day and they eat better than me.
So tomorrow I have to go to bird place and get a new Keet as Junior who is the newest will be lost without a play mate.
sleep warm and pray!

Both are now gone the blue one was Frickette ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 244 times

Bad Thanksgiving

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 8:06 pm

Well friends I hope your Thanksgiving was better than mine.
It started out with a pain in my chest which went away.
I got the turkey ready which was a trip, the bird weighed more than me.
Anyway I got it in the oven and worked on other things.
You have to remember Im the only one eating this stuff.
Never did the sweet potatoes never put out the olives but dressing is better today.
Creamed onions were like golf balls and I didn't even cook the pie.
Only ate 3 pieces of turkey.
My friend is coming tomorrow to take the whole bird
Next year its going to be TV dinner or a ham.
The keets are doing good so far but I think I have 2 Females.
I think my problem is I would have been at my sisters house for dinner but she passed away earlier this year.
Can't wait for Christmas
Sleep warm

Beadroom view ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

Another view ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 291 times

Welcome to a Fridget New Jersey

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 5:20 pm

Hi friends from the arctic.
Yesterday it was 82 degrees and I was going to put on shorts.
Along came the wind and it sure brought the cold air.
Its so windy I can't put the birds out or they'll fly away.
The newest keet (Frack Jr) got out of the cage and that always get my heart pumping.
Good thing is he or she had their wings clipped.
The plants Thanksgiving.
I will try to get back on turkey day but if not have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Sleep warm

Frack Jr ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

Frickette ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

Frack Jr and sister ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 319 times

Bad Night at home for me

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2016 2:36 am

Well friends its been a bad night for me as I just returned from the pet shop.
Frack was eating and moving around the cage.
I was watching tv and I heard a thump.
FRACK was DEAD!!!!
His Sister was lost and so am I.
We had that mouse problem and maybe it cost him his life.
He did have an infection in his eye which was being treated.
Now Frickette is quite confused and both are quiet.
The old Frack will be buried tomorrow by my friend.
Sleep warm friends.

Frack and his tube ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 292 times

Chicken Hawk!!!

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:57 pm

Well friends this past election day was my first in years because of all my moving.
My 2 keets don't understand why Mr.Sun went away.
Although it is dark here I keep them close because on Thursday I had a full grown Chicken Hawk land ON MY Balcony!!!!!
It happened so fast I didn't get a picture.
I'm just glad the keets were inside cause the bird landed right where I keep the cage outside.
The hawk even scared me as I thought it was coming in my living room.
Tomorrow we are supposed to see a large moon but I may not because of the cool weather here.
Time for dinner so sleep warm until later

This blog entry has been viewed 261 times

Welcome to New Jersey

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 8:12 pm

Hi friends just thought I'd drop a line from a windy but bright nj
After I finish here I plan to take a nap as the Phila Eagles are loosing.
Frack & Frickette are doing good except they see Mr. Sunshine and can't understand its chilly outside.
Now to the good news and that is I finally was able to separate and repot the aloha plant which was a chore for me to do.
The trees are taking their time changing their color but my tree is right on time.
Will close for now so everyone sleep warm.

My tree ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

The Mommy Aloha plant ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

Baby 1 ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 336 times

What a beautiful day

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:48 pm

Well friends when I got up this morning it was a little chilly but now its almost 80 outside.
The parakeets got up around 9 and they have been outside since then.
I can't believe that the rose bushes are still blooming.
I just came back from next door removing the old rose blooms and the bush still has blooms.
The original owner of the bush is long gone as that family moved when I did with the fire and the new people in that apartment could care less about the bush.
Only thing on TV this afternoon is college football.
I wanted to put up 2 brackets and a pole to hang my hanging plants in front of my window BUT the fools who put this place back together don't believe in 2x4's
Enjoy your Saturday and I'll be back tomorrow.
Sleep warm

Martin's Lake ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 289 times

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