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EileenT's BlogAdventures of a novice gardener.
Inexpensive Bench Cushion
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:20 am I needed a 5' cushion for my glider and didn't want to pay $30.00 or more for one. I had old memory foam I was saving and decided to use it for a cushion. I bought a vinyl tablecloth, cut the foam to fit then wrapped the tablecloth around the foam, just like wrapping a present, and then duct taped it in place. For $3.50 I have an easily made, nice, comfortable and weatherproof bench cushion for my glider. Here's a photo. It's not fancy but it does the trick. (Don't look at the weeds!) ![]() Inexpensive Glider Cushion ( photo / image / picture from EileenT's Garden ) Last edited: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:11 pm This blog entry has been viewed 653 times
Proud Grandma alert!
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 2:49 am My granddaughter was at the World Irish Dancing championships in Philadelphia this week. This is the biggest international event in Irish dancing and the first time it was held in the United States. Well, my granddaughter competed in the girl's figure dancing for her age group 11-13. And they won first place! Out of all the groups from all over the world, they won! Here's a photo taken right before they went out on stage. My granddaughter, Alara, is on the bottom row, second from left. Eileen ![]() World Irish Dancing Competition( photo / image / picture from EileenT's Garden ) This blog entry has been viewed 383 times
Garden Bench
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:02 am ![]() Garden bench ( photo / image / picture from EileenT's Garden ) This is a little bench that someone was throwing out. I recovered the seat in vinyl and it sits in my garden. I love the look! Last edited: Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:03 am This blog entry has been viewed 420 times
I want a pergola.
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:26 am My patio needs a pergola. I've been trying to think of an easy design for me and hubby to build. I can't do much and hubby is about as handy as my blind dog, so it has to be really simple. I was thinking about using lattice as the roof and just nailing the lattice to 4X4 poles. I'm wondering how sturdy that would be. It doesn't have to be a big pergola but I would need side and center supports. Maybe I can find a ready-made pergola that just needs put together. If anyone has any ideas I would really appreciate hearing them! This blog entry has been viewed 489 times
Spring like weather
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:40 am It was so nice over the weekend that I was able to get out and do a little gardening. I basically moved around some plants and dis some weeding but I enjoyed being in the sun and getting my hands dirty. I feel bad for all the folks getting so much snow right now. I'm going to physical therapy twice a week right now and I feel very positive about my back being completely healed. It will be a year next month since my spinal fusion and it's been a long year but well worth it to be pain free. I have a lot of plans for my garden this year and can't wait to get to it! This blog entry has been viewed 299 times
Destroyed Calla Lily
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:16 am Something very heavy crushed one of my Calla Lilys. I'm really not sure what to do about it but I'm hoping the stems will magically straighten. I don't think it was Joey as he's blind and never crosses over the garden borders. This looks like something heavy fell on it and I think maybe a raccoon fell off the roof as that's happened before, although, I didn't hear any fights with the local cats. ![]() So, tomorrow I'll spend some time out in the gardens and stake up the Calla Lily, clean up the limons that have blown off the tree and sweep up the patio. We've had very warm windy weather and I even had the air conditioner on for awhile a few days ago. They say this weather will continue a few more days. I had to have x-rays of my back as I was experiencing pain and thought it was from the hardware in my back. It turns out that the arthritis in my hip is acting up. I can handle that and will begin aquatic therapy next month. I'm still taking it slow working in the yard but can do a lot more now and am really itching to put some new plants in. This false "summer" makes me want to get out and do some work. Last edited: Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:48 am This blog entry has been viewed 565 times
Nice Weather And Yard Work
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:11 am It's been very nice out the past few days so it's a perfect time to clean up the yard. There are several areas needing weeding and I can do that as long as I keep my back brace on. I also want to transplant a few plants and move some Creeping Charlie over to a bad spot that won't grow much else. I need to get hubby out there to prune the lemon tree, Bougainvillea and a palm that's taking over one corner of the yard. I'm happy to see that the Calla Lily is taking over 2 of my flower beds that border the path into my back yard. I can't wait to go out and buy some new plants. This blog entry has been viewed 341 times
Cleaning Up The Yard
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:08 am It's that time of year to clean the yard and plan on next year's gardens. I'm so happy to be pain free, finally, and I can't wait to really get to work out there. We had quite a bit of wind last week and I spent a couple of days cleaning the yard and doing a little weeding. And we had rain! We need a lot more to bring our water tables up but the plants loved the rain. I finally figured out my Calla Lily problem. The roots were hitting somthing hard (maybe cement or hard packed dirt) and couldn't go any deeper. So I moved them into my new garden and I'll have hubby dig down in the old garden and see what's down there. Until then I have pots of plants in the old garden. I can't wait until my next trip to the garden store! This blog entry has been viewed 556 times
Got the doctor's okay!
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Thu Sep 18, 2008 10:10 pm I'm officially allowed to do very minimal yard work. Yay! I didn't tell my doctor that I've been doing that for awhile now but that's okay. My back is healing well. I just have to be careful. I sat on a stool last evening after it cooled down and weeded the back garden. It was a mess! I also trimmed the banana trees and gave everything a dose of plant food and vitamins. I was so happy working out there. I plan on buying some plants this weekend and put out some new pots on the porch. This blog entry has been viewed 453 times
Gardening Is Healing
Category: Garden Novice | Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:18 pm I was able to get out over the weekend and get some gardening done. I didn't overdue it and felt so much better just getting out and playing in the dirt. It really lifts my spirits just to see how the flower gardens are doing, weeding them, planting some seeds and feeling proud of my work. It's definitely healing! This blog entry has been viewed 444 times
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