This awful drought
The Garden | Posted:
Wed Jun 14, 2006 7:45 pm
When I first moved in here, I had high hopes. As the weather warmed up, I had stuff planted and planned. But we have had what the locals are calling one of the worse droughts so early in the season. Figures.....
My gardening project right now is trying to keep everything alive. Ive lost four pots of seedlings in the last 3 days and have tow left that are struggling, because of this heat and drought. They were growing good and I was watering them every morning and evening but its so dry out, I dont know how much of the water is actually getting to the roots. So I lost them and one of my morning glorys. I think my rain tree is next. All the leaves have died and I dont see any new buds on it. Ive lost a few of my elephant ears and my fern tree looks terrible. My banana trees are showing the worse of it I think. Ive lost most of my petunias and red saliva. And the last of my tomato plants has perished.Out of 49 I have lost them all. :( And both my mints are on their last legs.
My rose blooms are scattered and are blooming small, if they are blooming at all.I have few that arent even forming buds or new growth. Even my white Yucca is looking kind of stunted. The only things that are doing well, are my Mexican heather, aspurgus(SP) fern, the large Bird Of Paradise and foutain grass. Figures.
I am watering them everyday. But Im not sure how much is actually making itself to the roots. I gave them all a good soak earlier in the week. I think Ill have to do it again.
Its hard to fight Mother Nature.
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