Busy busy Pinkie
Pinkies LIfe | Posted:
Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:29 pm
Well, alot has changed in my life.I left Rob and had to became a grownup. Scary , I know. But its all good. Im working with a little help from him...but for the most part am doing it on my own. I am starting school soon.
Ill be so busy busy. Home, school, work, home ,school, work...... god being a grown up is rough. But I am Denee....I can do this!
Thank god its fall or all my plants that didnt die would do so now...LOL
Ive lost almost 85 lbs total....got my hair cut into a very cute layered look (yes even shorter now) and highlighted it.
After being married so long, I forgot what it was like to take care of me and Im having a blast learning me all over again. I am fabulous! I feel like superwoman and Im ready to take on the world.
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Ohhhhhhh Im so sick
Pinkies LIfe | Posted:
Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:53 am
On Tues, I drove with my little brother on a 4 hour trip to pick up my mom for a visit. She came here to Lafayette for the night on her way (out of the way) to New Orleans. Well, my sister, her roommate and my sisterinlaw all were getting over a sinus infection...some nasty little thing going around.
They did all the cooking......
Did they tell us they had all been sick??
Not until after we ate.....so now everyone who wasnt sick before dinner is now.
I had been very tired the last few day butI felt fine until last night I was sitting at the computer printing some paperwork when I sneezed...and instantly my nose filled up and I could feel my sinus' start burning. If Im not sneezing and trying t breathe, Im sniffing water because my sinus are so dry it burns so bad. BAck and forth....stopped up or dried out.
My mom called this morning to tell me that she is sick too and on vacation...poor mom. She sneezed and her nose started bleeding.
I started running a fever of about 103 this morning and slept pretty much all day. I woke up not long ago and am ready for more sleep.
I dont think I have ever felt this bad in my life! Im never eatting thier cooking again.
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