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Posted: 05 Jul 2012
Her Majesty, a take off and landing, and a couple more!
Posted: 05 Jul 2012
Hive # 1 is strong, I hope!
Posted: 26 Jun 2012
Queenless no more!
Posted: 22 Jun 2012
Hive #2
Posted: 19 Jun 2012

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Queenless no more!

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:29 pm

Okay, I was planning to wait until Saturday to check this hive again, but I just couldn't wait. I checked it yesterday afternoon, and I found her! A new queen! She was laying! she hasn't done much, but what she has done looks good. Single eggs in each cell, and no skipped cells! They just may turn around now! On a side note. My "mentor" finally showed up yesterday. He was rather critical of my efforts thus far. Even criticised the fact that there were SHB (very few) in this hive. Really am disappointed in him.

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carolyn keiper wrote on Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:50 pm:

Yippee!!!!!!!Glad to hear you found her. I was wondering if she just hadn't started laying yet after your last entry. Her time schedule is different from ours, most likely. Sorry to hear your "mentor" is falling down on the job. My thought is to find out if there is a bee club/organization in your area and join it. You will find a wealth of help there.

new2it33 wrote on Fri Jun 22, 2012 2:55 pm:

Unfortunately for me, there is no local bee club here. the closest one is two hours away. but I have done alot of reading, and you have certainly helped!


debbieteale wrote on Sun Jun 24, 2012 6:46 am:

Congratulations. I've just found your blog, and read through them all. So glad you've found the new queen. I only have the one hive, and it's actually thriving on my neglect. They don't seem to really need much help, as they've been doing this for quite a while without intervention. Our climate is very mild though, so others do have much more to deal with. Good luck.

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