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Recent Entries to this Blog Goodbye Garden!
Posted: 05 Jul 2012
Her Majesty, a take off and landing, and a couple more!
Posted: 05 Jul 2012
Hive # 1 is strong, I hope!
Posted: 26 Jun 2012
Queenless no more!
Posted: 22 Jun 2012
Hive #2
Posted: 19 Jun 2012

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new2it33's Blog

Goodbye Garden!

Category: In the Garden | Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:24 pm

Well, we haven't seen so much as a drop of rain since the 10th of June. Temperatures are running 100 degrees every day. My garden is dying! I water and water, but it just hasn't been enough. Lost the squash and green beans. Tomatoes are starting to wither. This weather needs to break! It's depressing to see.

This blog entry has been viewed 495 times

Her Majesty, a take off and landing, and a couple more!

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:21 pm

This is the hive that hasn't been doing well. So glad to see it improving!

Her Highness, the Queen ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

up up and away! ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

coming home loaded ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

eggs ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 453 times

Hive # 1 is strong, I hope!

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:00 pm

Did a thorough inspection on hive # 1. It really looks good to me. I am uploading some pictures. Feel free to tell me what ya'll think. Also, They are bearding day and night. Temps in the high 90's. 98 yesterday. they are on screened bottom board, partly shaded in the afternoon. Two deep brood boxes, one medium super with Queen excluder. I propped up the outer cover yesterday, not much change in the bearding.

brood frame ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

brood ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

honey frame ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

bearding 10 pm. ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

Last edited: Tue Jun 26, 2012 3:05 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 330 times

Queenless no more!

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:29 pm

Okay, I was planning to wait until Saturday to check this hive again, but I just couldn't wait. I checked it yesterday afternoon, and I found her! A new queen! She was laying! she hasn't done much, but what she has done looks good. Single eggs in each cell, and no skipped cells! They just may turn around now! On a side note. My "mentor" finally showed up yesterday. He was rather critical of my efforts thus far. Even criticised the fact that there were SHB (very few) in this hive. Really am disappointed in him.

This blog entry has been viewed 302 times

Hive #2

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:02 pm

Okay, I really don't think this hive is going to make it. I checked the girls, and I still can't find a queen. I see no evidence of a queen. No eggs or brood. I started feeding syrup when I changed the frames, but they aren't really taking much, and aren't foraging either. I added another frame of eggs and brood, but the bees just hauled the larvae out of the hive and began destroying the comb. I don't know what they are doing. I have to assume they do. I just don't know what to do next, or even if I should do anything at all.

This blog entry has been viewed 271 times

Been busy!

Category: In the Garden | Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:57 pm

Well, so far DH and I have put up 32 quarts of green beans, 10 quarts of squash, 5 quarts of carrots. We also made 6 pints of squash pickles, 23 pints of dill pickles, and 4 pints of dill beans. Started making salsa from our tomatoes yesterday. The garden has been bountiful! We have been blessed! (and of course we have eaten a great deal fresh!)oh, and we also pulled 50 onions and hung them up!

This blog entry has been viewed 242 times

The saga continues......Hive #2

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 1:31 pm

Checked this morning, found several queen cells. They were on the bottom of the frame I added from Hive #1. There were 3 or 4 on each side. Surely they aren't swarm cells. I really don't think this hive is strong enough to swarm. They still aren't drawing out the foundation. Will try adding new foundation this weekend, as I don't know how old the current foundation is, but doesn't appear to be in good condition. It has been 7 days. 9 days until a queen should emerge. Hope I can get this hive strong enough to survive.

This blog entry has been viewed 261 times

Photos of the Ladies

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 6:08 pm

Here are two pics of the ladies working! I love my Bees!

Hive #1 ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

My Girls! ( photo / image / picture from new2it33's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 264 times

Problems with hive #2

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 3:02 pm

We installed a swarm in a second hive. My mentor set me up with a deep hive body and 10 frames. This was a blessing, or was it? I need some advice. The frames are mismatched, wood and plastic. The foundations are all different. Some plasticell, some duragilt, some beeswax. Some were already drawn, some weren't and two were full of honey. The few that were drawn are deformed, and when I opened the hive yesterday, I discovered roaches. The bees aren't foraging very much, the queen is laying very slowly, and all the bees are gathered on the honey. they are not drawing comb. What sould I do?

This blog entry has been viewed 342 times

update on hive #1

Category: Happenings around the house | Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 8:43 pm

Just added a second hive body to my first hive! bees are really working! found the queen, eggs and brood! The second hive isn't building as quickly as the first hive seemed to, but the queen is present and laying, so all in all we are doing great!~

Last edited: Thu May 24, 2012 4:51 pm

This blog entry has been viewed 238 times

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