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Goodbye Garden!

Category: In the Garden | Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:24 pm

Well, we haven't seen so much as a drop of rain since the 10th of June. Temperatures are running 100 degrees every day. My garden is dying! I water and water, but it just hasn't been enough. Lost the squash and green beans. Tomatoes are starting to wither. This weather needs to break! It's depressing to see.

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toni wrote on Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:35 pm:

Sorry to hear about your garden. Our last rain was June 7th and we are entering the normally driest two months of the year. Restrictions are tighter this year but I have 5 rain water collections barrels that are helping out some.

Last year when we had 70 days above 100 deg, I just gave up. No way I could water enough since we were under restrictions all summer. I figured if they didn't make it they wouldn't be planted again this year.

Katagram wrote on Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:52 am:

So wish I could send some rain your way, but we are in the same dry boat as you. We decided not to plant a garden this year as the weeds and grass hoppers were very numerous late Fall last year.hmm, maybe we had something there? We do have three small tomato plants and some spinach in pots, but that is it for veggies. The rest are flowers, or what is struggling to survive. I am seriously thinking of a rain dance..anything at this point. Even the fireworks for the 4th were cancelled state wide due to wildfires everywhere. Good luck, I hope you can recover something!


Frank wrote on Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:12 am:

Doing a rain dance for you. Hope you get rain soon.

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