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Sitting here thinking about the quiet fall afternoon.
Posted: 23 Oct 2009 Posted: 16 Aug 2009 Posted: 13 Jul 2009 Posted: 21 Mar 2008 Posted: 05 Feb 2008 All Entries |
Some further thoughts about "Snow Days"The posts about snow days got me thinking, which led to this, which is too long to post in a forum. When I went to school, back in the 40s and 50s, I don't remember "snow days". I remember snowy days, and going to school and dealing with the snow. If we complained, I my Mom would tell us how good we had it, having busses to ride to school, she had to walk to school, 2 miles, up hill, in all kinds of weather, and then walk home again, another 2 miles up the same hill, well you've heard the story. Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying we shouldn't do the best that we can for our kids, but is all this protection doing them good? It seems that we are becoming overprotective. At this rate, we will be having "rain days" soon, and then "cloud days", who knows where it might end. I think by treating the kids this way, they learn bad habits. As adults, these kids will expect "Snow days" at work, and be afraid to venture out if there are clouds in the sky. We are creating a weaker society. Kids learn by doing, we can tell them how to be strong all we want, but if we treat them like kids that is how they will turn out. I can see the differences in the younger adults today, on a snowy day when I am out on the roads, many say it's too snowy to drive. Unless the snow is so deep that a vehicle simply can't get through, go and do it,do what needs to be done. If every one is careful, and keeps a good shovel in the car, you will get there just fine. What if the firemen had snow days, or policemen, or doctors, or the snow plow drivers??? By the way, it's snowing right now, and we are going to town for breakfast. Tom This blog entry has been viewed 732 times
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Yeah, I venture out in almost anything too. I'd bet that the reason snow days have become more frequent in the past few years is that parents are more likely to sue the schools if their children are injured. People are so sue-happy these days...
When we were younger we went out in all weather. We had a cabin up by Winter, Wis. and we used to go there in winter. No electricity, no indoor plumbing, an outhouse. Now, it's cold enough for me here just using wood for heat. I have one son who still lives in Wisconsin. He's a doctor and I guess he goes out in all kinds of weather. We used to go tobogganing and sledding and cross country skiing. Tom did that when they lived in New York. So, I guess they still do it. Here they close schools simply because there is no equipment to clear the roads and people just don't know how to drive in snow. It's been 20 years since I drove in snow. Would I venture out in it? I don't know if I'm equipped for it anymore. We know to carry water in summer but what do we need in winter. We have blankets in the truck. We have an ice scraper but a shovel? We don't need to shovel snow so I think we don't.
I think it all boils down to what you're used to. Where I live we're used to heavy snowfalls, green winters, icy roads and high winds. We're equipped for it, and so are our houses and cars. Further south there's full chaos with a foot or two (30-60 cm) of snow. To the east they rarely have storm strength winds and everything above a breeze is labelled "storm". Further north they tackle whatever's thrown at them. My dad also walked for miles uphill to get to and from school. :)
I'm sorry Tom but Texans that never have had much snow doesn;t know how to drive in it but mostly its solid ice if we get anything and even big trucks end up off the roads here. Login or register to leave a comment. |
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