Aliens, I tell you!
Veggies! | Posted:
Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:38 pm
Aliens came. Aliens invaded my garden. And just like in that crappy Tom Cruise movie, "War of the Worlds", they have been laying dormant beneath the surface of the earth for years. Aliens are coming!
Looky close - they are spawning!
I have no idea where these came from, or why they chose my bean garden as a host for their invasion. I should have yanked them out by their little alien necks when I had the chance. Now their defenses are strong, and they have protected themselves with a thick covering of sharp little spines. The beans are trying to ward them off, the valiant little buggers, but the aliens are bigger and stronger and meaner. Now the only choice I have is to let them wreak havoc. Let them have their way. Let them pillage and destroy. And hope that fact will parallel fiction and they will catch a human cold and die, just like in that crappy Tom Cruise movie....
Last edited: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:39 pm
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