starting my organic garden | Posted:
Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:45 pm
Last night as I lay in bed I thought about how us starting this garden was a way to slow down our lives and live more simply. Am I doing that? No I really dont think so, well between soccer, softball, summer school, the pool, errands, getting ready for school to start again I am a freak running here and there like a chicken with my head cut off. we spend from 6:30 till 10 pm almost every night in the garden. I really need fo reevaluate my priorities and start doing and living my dream. This garden has been such a blessing to our family. To see the kids running and playing, picking the produce ,weeding and discovering nature is a wonderful gift. I hope something they will never forget and will be a passion they have when they have their own homes.I can see my goal for JUly is to slow down and enjoy life!
Thanks for coming have a great holiday!
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