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the small things in life...
Posted: 16 Jul 2006 Posted: 10 Jul 2006 Posted: 06 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 All Entries |
sold out!!Sat. was the farmers market. We took 18 lbs. of green beans, 15 bunches of small onions, 5 squash, a cabbage and a big bucket of turnips. For the first time ever we sold EVERYTHING!! I am so thrilled. It was so nice not to drag home extra food. everyone went bonkers over the beans. My 14 year old daughter wwent with me and her and my partner had to go back to the farm to pick more beans! The farmer just down from us had tom. I bought four and they were really good..I'm anxious to see the diff. between the heirlooms and the regular tom. we have a green striped zebra tom. that should be on very soon. that should be interesting. we only found prob. 10 new potatoes soI kept them for myself. I bought a ham hock and thought I would make a big batch of beans and potatoes. sounds yummy. We sold everything by 11:00 so the day was fast. I was actually home by noon. I'm still not sure how to harvest the potatoes. We dug and dug but only found the 10. I wonder if we will have any at all. The red onions I picked early like a scallion and everyone loved those. I think we will have enough to pick again small and still leave some to get big. One farmer was telling us that he slices his turnips and fries them in bacon grease. I'm beginning to learn that everything tastes good in bacon grease!! I stopped at a yard sale this weekend and bought a years worth of COOKSCOUNTRY magazine. wow what an awesome mag. cooking tips like I;ve never seen and GOOD recipes. My daughter and I made the stuffed red peppers on fri night. They were great. I am def. going to get a subscription to this. I paid .25 for each issue. what a steal! I took my #2 daughter to church camp last night. She was so excited to be with her friends, oh to be young again. It is going to be quiet with out her. she comes home on thurs night. we will busy though. I have a long list of things I want to get done before school starts. I want to work on that and my #1 has a soft ball tourney mon. and Tues. nights. Well the day is long so I must go! thanks for stopping by GGO This blog entry has been viewed 528 times
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Congratulations on the sale!
Wow!! I'm so glad your day at the market went so well!! Green beans and potatoes cooked in ham hock sounds sooo good!!
Oh GGO I'm so glad your sales went so good .
Well done GGO, must have been a great feeling! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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