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the small things in life...
Posted: 16 Jul 2006 Posted: 10 Jul 2006 Posted: 06 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 All Entries |
girlgoneorganic's BlogStarting an organic farm with no experience and little budget.
the small things in life...
Category: starting my organic garden | Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:13 pm The market on Sat. went well. I sold out of everything but onions and thought"I am not sitting here in 94 degrees for onions" so I went back to the garden. Our garden is on my parents property. M father doesn't get around very well. His knees hurt him to walk. He turned 73 this year. He was an avid gardener in his day and has been an extreme help to me. He put his straw hat on and we drove down to the garden. We picked carrots, beans, potatoes, and cucumbers for mom. We also stared at the huge tangled mess that is the toms. we found two green peppers... suprise! While I was pulling carrots I thought to myself I will remember this day forever: picking veggies with my father.. he is a man of few words but in the quietness of the morning I could hear I love you from him in every weed he pulled. I know this sounds sappy... This garden is turning out to be more of a life lesson than a gardening adventure. GGO This blog entry has been viewed 1080 times
sold out!!
Category: starting my organic garden | Posted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 2:20 pm Sat. was the farmers market. We took 18 lbs. of green beans, 15 bunches of small onions, 5 squash, a cabbage and a big bucket of turnips. For the first time ever we sold EVERYTHING!! I am so thrilled. It was so nice not to drag home extra food. everyone went bonkers over the beans. My 14 year old daughter wwent with me and her and my partner had to go back to the farm to pick more beans! The farmer just down from us had tom. I bought four and they were really good..I'm anxious to see the diff. between the heirlooms and the regular tom. we have a green striped zebra tom. that should be on very soon. that should be interesting. we only found prob. 10 new potatoes soI kept them for myself. I bought a ham hock and thought I would make a big batch of beans and potatoes. sounds yummy. We sold everything by 11:00 so the day was fast. I was actually home by noon. I'm still not sure how to harvest the potatoes. We dug and dug but only found the 10. I wonder if we will have any at all. The red onions I picked early like a scallion and everyone loved those. I think we will have enough to pick again small and still leave some to get big. One farmer was telling us that he slices his turnips and fries them in bacon grease. I'm beginning to learn that everything tastes good in bacon grease!! I stopped at a yard sale this weekend and bought a years worth of COOKSCOUNTRY magazine. wow what an awesome mag. cooking tips like I;ve never seen and GOOD recipes. My daughter and I made the stuffed red peppers on fri night. They were great. I am def. going to get a subscription to this. I paid .25 for each issue. what a steal! I took my #2 daughter to church camp last night. She was so excited to be with her friends, oh to be young again. It is going to be quiet with out her. she comes home on thurs night. we will busy though. I have a long list of things I want to get done before school starts. I want to work on that and my #1 has a soft ball tourney mon. and Tues. nights. Well the day is long so I must go! thanks for stopping by GGO This blog entry has been viewed 529 times
garden going bonkers
Category: starting my organic garden | Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 12:42 pm yesterday when I got to the garden everything looked peaceful. The dill is really taking its time coming up and I dont know why.some are a foot tall and others 3 inches. we weeded the strawberries which when we planted looked like a lot but now are not enough. we have really learned this year about quantity. what we thought seemed a huge amount is just really not enough, which when you think about it is scary because this amount now is kicking our butts!! Yesterday was abeautiful 83. perfect weather to be outside. our green bean crop is ready to harvest.we have 15 rows 50 feet long. I told the kids they were mine on Friday! green beans everywhere! our customers will be so excited!! they have been waiting for beans since june. after the bean yee haha we walked down to the potatoes and they are ready too! we have 4 varieties in two rows each 50 foot long. we will have enough for small and big ones. Yea!! The turnips are also ready to go. we prob. should have picked them today but will have to wait till fri. My partners hubby turns 40 on sat. and she is having a huge party for him so things are a little backed up on fri. the market is on sat. and I hope we do well, the last 3 sat. have been a bummer. people want beans and toms, beans and toms. the cabbages are also looking great. we have several small heads. we planted a variety of small cabbages. the arrowhead one is about ready to be picked. it is very cool and shaped like an arrow. I hope it sells well. we thought the smaller ones would be attractive to people that live alone or have just two. its perfect for a meal. The excitment kept going on when we hit the toms. and had a perfectly red cherry tom. only one but boy was it good. we planted 5 varieties of heirlooms and they are big but green. today I need to go stake up a few of them that are just huge. I hope by sat we have a few. we were struggling with how to package the potatoes. we went to the paper supply but they did not have anything. we do not have a scale and don't really want to buy one this late in the season. I want to buy a cool looking one and my partner wants to buy an old fashioned one. we are at an impass while neither really wants to spend the money. we decided to use paper mache baskets that the man who runs the market will sell us for 17 cents a piece. thats right up my alley. we will bag the beans and sell by the bag. its amazing that people will hear its organic and not even look at the price while our neighbor has the same thing only not organic two times cheaper. people really like the fact that it is organic and so do we!! well I need to get out there. thanks for stopping by!! This blog entry has been viewed 596 times
Category: starting my organic garden | Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:45 pm Last night as I lay in bed I thought about how us starting this garden was a way to slow down our lives and live more simply. Am I doing that? No I really dont think so, well between soccer, softball, summer school, the pool, errands, getting ready for school to start again I am a freak running here and there like a chicken with my head cut off. we spend from 6:30 till 10 pm almost every night in the garden. I really need fo reevaluate my priorities and start doing and living my dream. This garden has been such a blessing to our family. To see the kids running and playing, picking the produce ,weeding and discovering nature is a wonderful gift. I hope something they will never forget and will be a passion they have when they have their own homes.I can see my goal for JUly is to slow down and enjoy life! Thanks for coming have a great holiday! girlgoneorganic This blog entry has been viewed 635 times
Hello from Indiana and welcome to my farm escapades!
Category: starting my organic garden | Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:57 am Well, this has been a crazy year! My neighbor and friend decided we wanted to eat better and live more simply. Thus, why not start our own organic food garden and sell the leftovers! My father has 7 acres of dormant farm ground. We are farming three of those acres. The other four we will plant rye or something else that we can bail and sell to grass fed cattle farmers. It is really kicking my butt. I had no idea weeds could get to my head in one month. Last week we finally took the mowers out to chop it down. I bet I am the only gardener that mows between her/his cabbages!! Having 6 kids between us really helps but they don't have the stamina of an adult. We are thinking next year of starting a large greenhouse and growing several kinds of lettuce all year long. People really like the lettuces. well enough for today. Tomorrow we need to weed again and I need to rest, It's only 93 today!!! come back soon. girlgoneorganic This blog entry has been viewed 656 times
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