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the small things in life...
Posted: 16 Jul 2006 Posted: 10 Jul 2006 Posted: 06 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 Posted: 04 Jul 2006 All Entries |
garden going bonkersyesterday when I got to the garden everything looked peaceful. The dill is really taking its time coming up and I dont know why.some are a foot tall and others 3 inches. we weeded the strawberries which when we planted looked like a lot but now are not enough. we have really learned this year about quantity. what we thought seemed a huge amount is just really not enough, which when you think about it is scary because this amount now is kicking our butts!! Yesterday was abeautiful 83. perfect weather to be outside. our green bean crop is ready to harvest.we have 15 rows 50 feet long. I told the kids they were mine on Friday! green beans everywhere! our customers will be so excited!! they have been waiting for beans since june. after the bean yee haha we walked down to the potatoes and they are ready too! we have 4 varieties in two rows each 50 foot long. we will have enough for small and big ones. Yea!! The turnips are also ready to go. we prob. should have picked them today but will have to wait till fri. My partners hubby turns 40 on sat. and she is having a huge party for him so things are a little backed up on fri. the market is on sat. and I hope we do well, the last 3 sat. have been a bummer. people want beans and toms, beans and toms. the cabbages are also looking great. we have several small heads. we planted a variety of small cabbages. the arrowhead one is about ready to be picked. it is very cool and shaped like an arrow. I hope it sells well. we thought the smaller ones would be attractive to people that live alone or have just two. its perfect for a meal. The excitment kept going on when we hit the toms. and had a perfectly red cherry tom. only one but boy was it good. we planted 5 varieties of heirlooms and they are big but green. today I need to go stake up a few of them that are just huge. I hope by sat we have a few. we were struggling with how to package the potatoes. we went to the paper supply but they did not have anything. we do not have a scale and don't really want to buy one this late in the season. I want to buy a cool looking one and my partner wants to buy an old fashioned one. we are at an impass while neither really wants to spend the money. we decided to use paper mache baskets that the man who runs the market will sell us for 17 cents a piece. thats right up my alley. we will bag the beans and sell by the bag. its amazing that people will hear its organic and not even look at the price while our neighbor has the same thing only not organic two times cheaper. people really like the fact that it is organic and so do we!! well I need to get out there. thanks for stopping by!! This blog entry has been viewed 595 times
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Speaking of not having enough vs. growing too much:
Wow!! Friday sounds like a busy day for you and the kids!! I love organic grown veggies!! Fresh green beans and potatoes are soooo good and being organic makes them even better!!! Good luck with the market this time!!
Got my fingers crossed that your tomatoes turn red for you to sell on Saturday Green beans and fresh potatoes are just the best.
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