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The feeder is busy,busy,busy!
Posted: 13 Jan 2012 Posted: 11 Dec 2011 Posted: 20 Nov 2011 Posted: 18 Nov 2011 Posted: 05 Nov 2011 All Entries |
Capt Kirk's BlogA visit to my birdfeeder to seen what is going on with the birds of central Ohio.
Spring activity
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:42 pm We had several days of 60 and 70 deg. F temps and the activity at the feeder really slowed down. Mostly it was the ground feeding birds and the Goldfinches. Now it cooled back down into the 30 and 40's and the activity has increased again. The male goldfinches are really starting to turn yellow again. Right now they are a bright yellowish green. Also have had a few house finches too. Seeing more robins in the yard looking for worms. This blog entry has been viewed 409 times
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Hasn't been a whole lot going on at the feeder!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:00 pm Last night we had snow, then sleet then about 3 inches of blowing snow. Then about noon the sun came out and melted the snow in the bowl under the feeder, to where there was about 3/4 inch of water in it. I didn't dump it as the birds were drinking from it. About 30 minutes ago, Jumper the squirrel came shinnying out the cable and got onto the squirrel baffle above the feeder. He was out to the edge of it trying to figure out how to get down to the feeder, when he lost his footing and fell butt first into the bowl and soaked his butt good. You have never seen a squirrel move so fast! Running and shaking trying to get dry! I was standing in the window watching him and I thought I was going to be sick, I was laughing so hard. So far he hasn't come back. This blog entry has been viewed 472 times
Man they are fast!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 1:13 pm I wanted to get pictures of the Tufted Titmouse getting peanuts. So I set 5 peanuts on the deck rail where I could be in the house and get pics of them. Well they were so fast I lost 5 peanuts and not one single picture! Had 2 robins in the yard searching for worms yesterday afternoon. The snow is all gone from the yard this morning. This blog entry has been viewed 1867 times
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Name change!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 1:12 am A week ago I wrote about the ice weighing so much it lowered my bird feeder to the point where Jumper the squirrel was able to jump up and get on it. I had knocked the ice off of it and tightened up the clothesline where he can't reach it. Well yesterday Jumper shows up and he has a big patch of hair missing on his shorlders. It must be about 3 inches in diameter. Looks almost like someone shaved him. So now I call him baldy. Have been having a big seed block out that the little Downey Woodpeckers just love. But had to not refill it as the starlings were hanging on it and eating most of it. They were gobbeling it down in about 4 days. They would get on the feeder and not let other birds at it. At $5 each I am not feeding that to starlings. So when it ran out, I didn't refill it. It's been about a week and a half and the starlings no longer come around, so about Wed. or so I will put another one out. This blog entry has been viewed 1743 times
New arrivals !
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:55 pm I was setting in my recliner at about 4 pm watching the birds at the feeder. And a Robin landed on the deck rail. Then a 2nd one came along. Then a 3rd one landed in the tree out front. I don't know what they are planning on eating as I don't have any worms on hand. Plus we have 3 inches of snow on the ground and an inch of ice or more. If I were them, I think I would call my vacation planner! This blog entry has been viewed 365 times
Repairs on the feeder!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:03 pm My feeder hangs from a wire clothes line between 2 trees. I have a large squirrel baffle and then the feeder hangs from it. The baffle keeps a lot of the rain and most of the snow out of the feeder. With the ice storms we have had the past 2 days, the wight of the ice on the baffle had lowered the feeder to within jumping range of Jumper the squirrel. So I went out and tightened the clothes line up so its back up to 6 ft. off the ground again. It had about an inch of ice on it. This blog entry has been viewed 428 times
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Yard damage!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 3:09 pm I was out checking the bird feeders this morning and refilling them, when I noticed a huge amount of deer tracks in the snow. They had been eating the ground cover down by the driveway, when they must have decided to take a break and play with the wind trirly that I have hanging in a tree in the front yard. They pulled that apart and even pulled the metal hangar hook down out of the tree. That's the first time that has ever happened. It had to have been the deer, as the snow was all churned up with hundreds of deer tracks. You never know what you will see when you check your bird feeders! :) This blog entry has been viewed 1658 times
Hahahahaha !
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:32 pm I have my birdfeeder suspended from a piece of chltheline that runs from one tree to another. This was done to keep squirrels out of it. The feeder sat about 4 ft. off the ground. This worked well until about 2 weeks ago. A new squirrel found out that he can jump from a flatfooted stance, high enough to reach the perch and then pull himself up on the feeder. So yesterday I went out and raised the feeder another foot and a half. This morning he was out there doing back flips trying to reach it. I have been standing by with the camera trying to get video of him jumping but he won't do it while I am standing in the window! But I will keep trying! This blog entry has been viewed 400 times
Hasn't been much going on.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 5:01 pm About the only things going on at the feeder is that one of the young squirrels has figured out that he can jump flat footed from the ground and reach the feeder. The bottom of the feeder is 4 ft. off the ground. And I was amazed the first time I saw him do it. The other new thing is that the mate of the Dove that got killed by the Hawk is coming to the feeder. He/She is the only one that comes by themself. The others all come in pairs. I imagine that it will be until next breeding season before they find another mate. I did put a shallow bowl under the feeder and I put some cracked corn in it every morning. So the ground feeding birds get a good supply of food. The Titmouse is getting about 20 peanuts a day. I put them in the basket in the morning and within 2 hrs. they have hauled them all off! This blog entry has been viewed 1448 times
Night action!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:02 pm We had a light snow last night, about 1/2 inch worth. All kinds of tracks under the feeder. A cat had been up sometime overnight. Also a bunch of rabbit tracks. Then all kinds of bird tracks from earlier this morning. No deer tracks, with no more snow than what we have, they must be finding enough to eat! This blog entry has been viewed 1893 times
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