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The feeder is busy,busy,busy!
Posted: 13 Jan 2012 Posted: 11 Dec 2011 Posted: 20 Nov 2011 Posted: 18 Nov 2011 Posted: 05 Nov 2011 All Entries |
Capt Kirk's BlogA visit to my birdfeeder to seen what is going on with the birds of central Ohio.
New bully of the yard!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 6:06 pm The Blue Jays are no longer the reining bullys. The Red Headed woodpeckers have now taken the crown away. The Blue Jays have been chasing the wood peckers away from the peanuts. But now the Red Headed Woodpeckers are retaliating and chasing off the Jays. Now every time the Jays come into the front yard, the Reds go after them. I think it's really funny ! This blog entry has been viewed 395 times
More new arrivals.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:49 pm Have a pair of reheaded wood peckers in the yard now. Last year I had a pair nesting in the one tree. But one got killed up on the road and after a few days the other one left. But now I have a new pair. We are in their range but we don't normally see them. Yesterday the squirrels dislodged the spring on the bird feeder, so it was closed all night. I went out and reset the spring this morning. I have a chipmonk that has realised that he is light enough that he can get on the perch and it dosn't move. The humming birds are hitting their feeder pretty regular now. This blog entry has been viewed 1313 times
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It's a female!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 6:13 pm She has been back to the hummer feeder several times. She must be one from last year that has come back. She knew just the area where we normally hang it. This blog entry has been viewed 1304 times
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New arrival !
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:33 pm I was out putting peanuts out for the woodpeckers and Titmice and a hummingbird buzzed. So now the hummingbird feeder is out. I sat out on the porch for a bit, but he hasn't come back yet. This blog entry has been viewed 1308 times
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Funny squirrels!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:21 pm Been watching the squirrels trying to figure out how to get the seeds out of the squirrel proof feeder. They grab ahold off of the perch and it moves down and closes off the seeds. They keep trying but haven't figured it out. But you can see their little pea brains churning trying to figure out a way to bypass it! This blog entry has been viewed 1333 times
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I'm an old softy!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 12:15 am This morning I had birds on the porch railing demanding food! So I broke down and bought a 50 lb. bag of black oil sunflower seeds. But I put some in the second squirrel proof bird feeder. It's one that has the movable perches on it and if something too heavy gets on it, the perch moves down and closes off the feeder. So the squirrels can't get any of the food. Unfortunately, if 3 or 4 big birds get on it at the same time, it does the same thing. I filled it and set it up, but after 2 hrs. the birds hadn't found it. I hadn't used that feeder at all this past winter. So I put 3 peanuts on the perch and the Titmice found them. And they found the seeds also. Then it didn't take long for the other birds to find it! So now they are no longer setting on the porch rail stareing at me with long faces! :) This blog entry has been viewed 1316 times
Slowing down.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon May 02, 2011 1:50 pm Action at the feeder has been slowing down. I ran out of sunflower seeds, and put that feeder away. I did hang a seed block out and am waiting for them to polsih that off. The Goldfinches have returned to the woodland for their normal feeding. One the seed block is gone, I will suspend feeding until late fall. I don't want the birds to become reliant on my feeding them year around. Late May, I will start putting my Hummingbird feeders up. This morning I saw a different kind of Sparrow on the ground under the feeder. I looked it up and it was a White Crested Sparrow. A very white little tuft on top of his head with a grey chest and belly. Brown wings and back. They do appear in this area but are not common. Their primary area is Northern Californis, Oregon and Washington State. Their range then filters down into the Rocky Mountain area. I wonder if he may have gotten blown in during some of the recent storms that we have had. This one is on the eastern limit of his possible area. This blog entry has been viewed 1274 times
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Things are changing.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:34 pm Have noticed several things changing at the feeders this week. The wire feeder has now been taken over by the Goldfinches instead of the Chickadees. The Downey Woodpeckers have taken over the peanut feeder from the Titmice. The woodpeckers are eating 15 to 20 peanuts a day. The Doves still come in on the ground along with the Juncos. But the Juncos are turning to there summer colors. In the winter they are slate grey with white breasts and stomachs. But now they are sporting dull brown with a dingy looking light great underneath. This blog entry has been viewed 1344 times
Finally, new action at the feeder!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:04 pm Up until today, the action at the feeder has been pretty boring. But now the Goldfinch males have turned fully yellow and back. They add a fresh burst of color to the yard. Very colorfull when both male Cardinals and the Goldfinch are at the feeder. The Downey Woodpeckers have learned how to get into the hanging basket to get peanuts. Also the large Red bellied woodpeckers have learned where they are at also. Both of them together will eat 15 or 20 peanuts a day. The Titmice have competion now! This evening we had a new visitor to the feeder. A male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak has been feeding this afternoon. This is an area that is part of their territory, but not a common bird here. So it was well worth seeing him. The last time I had seen one here at the house was in June of 1988. This blog entry has been viewed 1284 times
Cow bird
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 10:25 pm Sat out on the front deck for a while this afternoon. The sun was out brightly, but the wind was out of the northeast and was brutally cold. But in the sun and out of the wind was pleasant. Had a male Cowbird come up to the feeding area and was getting some seeds and cracked corn off of the ground. The Cowbird is a weird kind of bird. It looks like a black bird but has a brown head. It hangs out with blackbirds and starlings. They female dosn't build a nest. Instead she lays her eggs in nest's of other birds and lets them raise her young. She may lay as many as 3 doz. eggs this way a season. This blog entry has been viewed 1400 times
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