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The feeder is busy,busy,busy!
Posted: 13 Jan 2012 Posted: 11 Dec 2011 Posted: 20 Nov 2011 Posted: 18 Nov 2011 Posted: 05 Nov 2011 All Entries |
Capt Kirk's BlogA visit to my birdfeeder to seen what is going on with the birds of central Ohio.
Back to normal!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 3:32 pm Well it has turned cold again and the birds are back to there old feeding habits for the most part. The numbers of Finches, Juncos and Sparrows are still low compared to what they were when we had snow on the ground. I now have 3 squirrels that come up and clean up the area under the feeder. "Chunk of course, and a new one that I call "Chumly" and the 3rd one has a streak of light hair on his back that I call "Old Man". He's always ticked off about something. This blog entry has been viewed 1933 times
They have disappeared!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:41 pm We had a warm front move in and most of the snow has melted. Just a few small patches left. I still have the Chickadees and Tufted Titmouse coming to the feeders. The Cardinals and Doves come to the ground also. But I haven't seen any Juncos, Sparrows or Gorlfinch this morning. Now that they can get to their natural winter food, I suspect that is where they are. But I am glad that the food I put out for them made it easier for them to get through the bad weather. I put 15 peanuts in the basket for the Titmouse. After 30 minutes there is only one left. And I didn't see him take a one of them! This blog entry has been viewed 364 times
Busy at the feeder !
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 3:33 pm Even though it's cold, 19 deg F. the sun is out and not a lot of wind. Chunk is on the ground catching cast off seeds and cracked corn. With him are Juncos, sparrows and a few Goldfinch. Up on the feeder are Nuthatches and Chickadees. On the suet block the Downey Woodpeckers are busy. The Tufted Titmouse is making raids on the peanut basket and will have it empty by noon. A Bluejay, the bully of the yard swoops in and scatters everyone including Chunk. He runs up the tree. The Jay leaves and Chunk is the first one to return. I have to laugh when something spooks the birds. The Juncos and Sparrows fly up under the deck. That's where they live in the winter. The Goldfinch fly down to the wood pile and set in some of the dead limbs. The Chickadees and Titmouse just fly up into the tree. After a couple of minutes they all come back. Then it starts all over again. It is so comical watching them. This blog entry has been viewed 389 times
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Bad weather for birds.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:29 pm We were getting some light snow showers this morning and now the wind is at about 20 mph out of the north east. It's blowing so hard that the birds can hardly hang on to the feeder. Even Chunk hasn't been up to eat. The temp is about 26 deg. F. but with the wind it feels much colder than that. This blog entry has been viewed 453 times
Death at the feeder!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2010 2:19 pm Every thing had been going as normal at the feeder since my last entry. This morning I went out to fill the feeder as normal and spotted some feathers at the base of the tree where the squirrel corn feeder is. Something had gotten one of the mouring doves. There was no carcass, just featers and one spot of blood. I suspicion that the Red Tailled Hawk got him. This is the same tree that the hawk was in several days ago watching the squirrel. I'm sorry to see the dove gone, but this is the story of nature. This blog entry has been viewed 505 times
Winter feed
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2010 3:52 pm With about 2 inches on snow on the ground and still coming down, the birds and other animals are pigging out! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 1916 times
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You can never tell what will be at the feeder!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 4:04 pm I was setting in my recliner watching TV and saw movement out of the corner of my eye. There under the feeder was a young doe, cleaning corn up off of the ground. She left before I could get my camera, so no pic of her. That's the first deer we have had in the yard in months. Hunting season has really had them spooked. Now that the season is over, they will start to pass through more often. This blog entry has been viewed 685 times
Meet my new buddy !
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:38 pm His name is "Chunk". He spends his day under the bird feeder eating dropped sunflower seeds and cracked corn. He is so fat he can hardly run off when I go out there! This morning I got to within 5 ft. before he waddled off and then came back right after I came back inside. ![]() The feeder is busy around the clock it seems. During the day it is busy with birds and squirrels. At night the racoons and rabbits come up and clean up anything that is left over. Last edited: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:39 pm This blog entry has been viewed 504 times
Happy Birds
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 4:17 pm Filled the feeder and put out about 60 peanuts for the Titmouse. I also put some raisens out for him. When I was getting the suet blocks, they had both peanuts and raisens and they were the first to go. But I was paying $5 for the suet blocks and a bag of peanuts in the shell, unsalted were under $2. That Titmouse has got to be putting those peanuts up some where. I have only seen 2 of them at one time and even with 2 of them, they can't be eating that many of them. Some where there is a tree with every nook and cranny filled with roasted peanuts! This blog entry has been viewed 337 times
Caught him!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:18 pm I took the cage down and hung a plastic basket out to put the peanuts in. Got my camera and sat on the porch to get him on camera. Again 11 peanuts in 15 minutes! He is going to have a bellyache tonight! ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 576 times
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