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The feeder is busy,busy,busy!
Posted: 13 Jan 2012 Posted: 11 Dec 2011 Posted: 20 Nov 2011 Posted: 18 Nov 2011 Posted: 05 Nov 2011 All Entries |
Capt Kirk's BlogA visit to my birdfeeder to seen what is going on with the birds of central Ohio.
Peanit Thief!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:36 pm I went out to feed the birds this morning. I got all bundled up as it was only 25 deg. F. I filled the feeder, put 7 peanuts in the suet cage and stuck 5 peanuts into a piece of fence I have up there. Came in, got unbundled and sat down in my recliner and looked out at the feeder. There were only 2 peanuts in the suet cage. Five had gone missing in about 15 minutes. So I sat there for a while and sure enough the theif came back. A Titmouse grabbed one and flew off. Five minutes later he was back and filched the last one. I read for about 20 minutes and looked out again. The five peanuts in the fence had shrunk to 2. He came back and tried to get them, but they were wedged in too tight, he couldn't get them loose! This blog entry has been viewed 336 times
Snow at the feeder
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 2:33 pm With snow showers most of the day yesterday and into the night, the feeder was busy this morning. Several Mourning Doves were busy getting breakfast. ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 349 times
New action at the feeder.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:39 pm The past several weeks the action has been kind of slow at the feeder for some species. When I hung the regular feeder, I stopped putting the big suet cake up. Most of the same birds came to the feeder, but the downey woodpeckers stopped coming. This week I got another of the suet cakes that the woodpeckers like and hung it out. Within 30 minutes they were back at it. The cake that I get has peanuts and raisens in it. The woodpeckers love it! Once this is gone I am going to try putting peanuts in the shell in it and see how they like that. This blog entry has been viewed 406 times
Bird update
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:53 pm There hasn't been much going on at the feeder until this weekend. We had s storm came through so had put the water bowl away. We have a small water bowl that hangs in a plant hanger that the small birds use. Thurs. I was watching tv and during a commercial I looked out the front window and there was a squirrel hanging upside down by his rear toes trying to get a drink. His tores gave way and sploosh, he dunked his head in the water bowl. It happened so fast that I couldn't have gotten a pic evenif i had, had my camera handy. Today I was setting on the porch waiting for something to happen out there and off to the side I saw a Redtail Hawk snatch a full grown squirrel out of a tree. It was a big one because the hawk had problems flying off with him. Of course the squirrel wasn't setting still in his claws either. I could hear the squirrel screaming too. I wish the hawk would come for some of the chipmunks. I have way too many. Now that we no longer have a cat, they arereally multiplying. I bet we have over a hundred. This blog entry has been viewed 357 times
New visitors today!
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:14 pm Had a few new visitors that I have not seen since last winter. A Red Bellied Woodpecker has been eating ta the feederall day. Also severalJuncos have been on the ground. It's really comical watching the birds. Earlier there were Finches and Juncos eating on the ground and the chipmunk came out to get his share of the cracked corn. Then 2 Mourning Doves and some Cardinal landed. The bigger birds were too much for the Chipmunk, so he ran for the ground cover. Then as soon as the birds left, out he came again! This blog entry has been viewed 396 times
Birds common to Ohio
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:45 pm This listing does not included water fowl, except for geese. Coopers Hawk ![]() Male Downey Woodpecker ![]() Eastern Towhee ![]() Flicker ![]() Canada Geese ![]() Common Grackle ![]() Mourning Dove ![]() House Finch ![]() European Starling ![]() Titmouse ![]() Red Bellied Woodpecker ![]() Killdeer ![]() Northern Cardinal ![]() Red Winged Blackbird ![]() American Wild Turkey ![]() Turkey Vulture ![]() This blog entry has been viewed 377 times
Bird pics.
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:10 pm Took a few pics of the birds today. It is a bright sunny day with temps in the mid 70's F. This first one is of a Blue Nuthatch. ![]() Here is a Chickadee, gorging himself.....again! ![]() And some Goldfinch on the ground gathering up the dropped sunflower seeds. They are in their winter plumage now. Earlier I had a Bluejay complaining that the water bowl was empty.I filled it and had barely gotten back up on the porch and he was out there drinking. Yesterday he had taken 3 or 4 baths in it. He must have been really dirty! It was the same bird, because he would bath then fly up on a limb and then come back down for another go at it. ![]() The birds must know that winter is on it's way as they are beefing up for it. Last edited: Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:11 pm This blog entry has been viewed 384 times
At the bird feeder! 1
Category: Bird Brain Blog | Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 3:18 pm Oct. 17th 2010 - Took in the seed block feeder and hung the squirrel proof feeder. It holds 2 1/2 cffee cans of seed. I use sunfloer seeds for the feeder birds and cracked corn for the ground feeders. The feeder birds are chickadees, titmouse and blue nuthatches, and downy woodpeckers. The ground feeders are morning doves, bluejays and cardinals. The chickadees must burn up a lot of energy when they fly, as they will eat a coffee can of seed a day. Or maybe they are just greedy. Today there were a few Goldfinch out there, but are now in there winter plummage. They are all now a greenish yellow. This blog entry has been viewed 456 times
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