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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
Pinkiered's BlogRoses, Roses and more Roses PLEASE!
Live plants I have for trade.
Category: trade | Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:15 pm I have two mini Banana tree pups. And I have cuttings from a pink Butterfly bush and purple butterfly bush. I have 2 Illustris and Black Stem( I call them stars because they have a purple star in the center) elephant ear bulbs that are growing but will dig up and ship. Last edited: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:39 pm This blog entry has been viewed 531 times
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Things I want to trade for
Category: trade | Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:14 pm Any smell goodies Need a few small flowering trees and flowering bushes so will trade for cuttings. Im not into pink unless its hot pink. I love any bold colors and flowers and plants that have multi colors on them. I can be just foliage and no flowers too. I want to try new things come spring So Im pretty open to any trade. Last edited: Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:41 pm This blog entry has been viewed 646 times
Seeds for trade
Category: trade | Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:09 pm 9 blue butterfly peas (clitoria) lots of a seed thats labled gladiola but are little "winged" seeds. New to this seed. So seed unknown. -Egg Tree -Gaillard/Indian Blanket -Astor (mixed and purple) -Money Tree -Kiss me over the garden gate -Datura -Eyeball Plant -Malva Zebrina -Anise -Plains Coreopsis -Blue Nigella -Honey Bee White Mexican mint -Buddleja -Lobelia Cardinals -Sweet William -Cleome -Wild Rose -poppy -Violas (jonny jump ups) Can package them so that they dont raddle and make noise so you ,across the "pond" ( I love that expression) ,can get some. This blog entry has been viewed 468 times
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Category: Spring | Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:51 pm YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sunburnt already! I have planted two flower gardens so far. And everything is is sprouting. My purple grass is green again, my banana pups have leaves, my elepant ear babies are showing their little heads. My rose are blooming. My fern tree is srouting new leaves. Happy happy joy joy!!!! I have little greenhouse set up that are just bursting with green babies. I have so many, I have gotten them all mixed up and dont know what is what!!! Im in for a suprise come blooming season! I planted 50 tomato plants. I planted that many in case some dont spout or are weak. I can plant the stronger plants. Now watch, all of them are going to be strong! I have two types of cherry and a brandywine, a purple prince (which Ive never even heard of before) and a garden peach! I hope my neighbors like tomatos!!!!!! I am planting gaint sunflowers, three types of onions, two types of cucumbers, two types of lettuce, four types of carrots (one just for the horses out back), I planted a Japanese crabapple tree. OH! And 5 types of beans. Most of my veggies, I wont eat but Im growing them just because. I want to try my hand at them. Thank god my family loves veggies! Im on a rose kick too. Everytime I pass roses on sale, I have to look and pick on out! I just bought a Blue Girl and boy does she smell good! In my other blog I mentioned a hole I dug that filled with water when it rained. Well, I havent filled it in and its still full of water. It sits at the corner where the sun stops so Im thinking a fountian and a tiny pond there. It will seperate my shade garden from the sun garden. Well, thats what Im thinking at any rate. If it gets done is another story! I planted persian buttercups, sweet peas, plumerias, pansties, caladuims and four banana pups around a tree the day before yesterday. I may have to dig up my banana trees later. But I just planted them there for some place to put them for now. I tend to dig up and move alot of my plants as they grow. I dont know why! Im planting four o clocks this weekend, scarlet sage, my lavender and some other plant I have (unknown cuz I got them mixed up with another seed) My palm is pissed off at me because I put him in the ground and it froze! I just hope he doesnt die. Ive gotten one baby off the tree last year and gave it too my mom. Its so cute! Its about 4 foot high and is so bushy! I told her it will get bigger but she wants it to stay that size! LOL shes so funny. But on the down side to all the joy, I have discovered lots of little fire ants in my flower pots! I tipped over a pot to pull out the rose bush inside. I use my arm to lay the plant on so it doesnt end up on its head. Well, my arm was covered in little red biting ants! I looked like I had a nasty rash! They have killed two of my plants so far that are in pots. Thats why Im in such a hurry to get everyone out of their pots and into the ground. That and Im tired of being bitten! Im planting my cannas today! YAY! I had 6 tubers but gave three away to a friend. But Ill end up with more. Im going to buy two more fern trees to plant with my one. I think once they grow tall, it will be a great place to sit in the shade! We are building a deck too for a place to sit. I am planning on planting all my roses in one area and once they grow tall, having a place to sit there too. I was going to cross breed my roses this year but I think Im going to hold off on that. I want to see if my Chysler Imperial looks good next to my blue girl. If they do, next year, Ill cross those two. Or I have a snow white unknown and a yellow unknown hybrid teas. Im buying more roses so who knows my plans may change! I love this country setting! Its soooooo quiet. At night you can see every star in the sky. And one of the mares in the field behind us is going to have a baby so their will be another colt to watch play! They lost a horse last week. The stud. He was pretty too, a dark dusty brown with white spots on his hind end. A stray dog got into the field with the horses and was chasing the baby. The father started chasing the dog away and ran head first into a reenforced steel fence. Split his head open and snapped his neck. Poor thing. All of us here that watch the horses miss him. He was a thing of beauty to watch. His owner has been trying to kill the dog since. And I thought I had issues with that dog! He keeps lifting his leg on my ferns!!!!!! But thats nothing compared to killing a horse. We had a opossum that was eatting the cats food outside. Big and ugly.Bigger then my tom. Scared the hell out of me the other night! He had me blocked inside! He was on my top step outside and would not move!!!! I tried to use the screen door to push him off the steps and he attacked the door!!!! I screamed , he hissed and I slammed the door shut!!!! My hubby was laughing the whole time! He was no help. I used the back door after that.But I found him (possum not hubby)dead yesterday. Looks like someone hit him with their car.Hubby buried him in the back yard. HE said that anything that can scare me that way deserves a place of honor.... Not funny....... Everytime I go outside, I think of that song from the sound of music. "The hills are alive with the sound of music" Its so true. All the birds singing, horses playing, new green sprouts everrywhere. And it smells so fresh, clean.... and new. Its just wonderful. Spring is in the air! This blog entry has been viewed 467 times
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