California Sunflower Bloom
My California SunFlowers blooming | Posted:
Fri Jun 23, 2006 8:38 pm
One of my big Sunflowers is finally blooming.
My new Bird House
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My newest plants
My New Plants | Posted:
Fri Jun 23, 2006 7:16 pm
This is a Black Pearl Pepper plant .I think it is so pretty and different.It is a Hot Pepper .I can't eat it but love to look at it :0
This is the Cigar Plant
My new Cassandra Plant
This blog entry has been viewed 1335 times
Double Althea Bush
My Double Althea Bush | Posted:
Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:07 pm
This is a cutting from my Moms bush .After her death a tornado blew down both her bushes ,one was double purple the other was double pink . I got cuttings from both but the purple one is the only one that lived . I would just be so sad if this one dies.
This blog entry has been viewed 1808 times
My baby Grew up ,It weighed 24 # .
My baby grew up | Posted:
Fri Jun 23, 2006 6:01 pm
It really tasted good .It is a Yellow Meated
This blog entry has been viewed 601 times
My Friend is # 500
My Friend is # 500 Yeah | Posted:
Sun Jun 18, 2006 6:27 am
Hey everyone Sookdee is one of best friends .You all will love her as I do .I didn't realize she made her way in and was so surprised.It took a few minutes to figure out it was her .Glad to have you here Sookdee.I think you will love it .I'm looking forward to that fresh corn your bringing to work for me as we are tradeing corn for eggplant.Sounds good to me.
She has lots of things growing at her house even chickens.Animals and a son named Brady.
This blog entry has been viewed 588 times
Tulip Killer has Graduated
Graduation day for Tulip killer | Posted:
Sat Jun 17, 2006 8:11 pm
My sweet little Angel grandson Trey :) has now graduated to phone killer in his life of crime .He tripped over Heathers phone line and tore it from the wall so need I say more she is without a home phone and Internet until new line is installed.He did say sorry .:)
Heather was headed to the vet with her kitty Maggie.
Maggie is really under the weather riht now .Heather said say some prayers for her please.She will let all know when her phone is back up and running.
This blog entry has been viewed 602 times
New Red Hibiscus
One of My Hibiscus | Posted:
Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:40 pm
This is one of the new plants that got burned by the big down pour and then the hot sun came out but it is trying to make a come back .
Last edited: Fri Jun 16, 2006 4:42 pm
This blog entry has been viewed 705 times
My Back Yard Visitor
My Yard | Posted:
Tue Jun 13, 2006 3:36 pm
When I got up this morning I went for a cup of coffee.was looking out my kitchen window and to my surprise a large Doe came out of the underbrush at the edge of my backyard .I do hope she had not been
on the other side of my house .My garden is on that side .I ran for my camera but she was into the tall weeds and I couldn't get a good view from my kitchen window to take a picture.She really was a pretty lady walking across . She acts like she is looking for something .I wonder if she has lost her baby.
Last edited: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:33 pm
This blog entry has been viewed 594 times
Three Night Crawler's
Night Crawler's | Posted:
Wed Jun 07, 2006 3:44 am
We three take out plants serious .Out all hours of the night checking things out .I truly looked awful
baggs under my eyes .tired out and half asleep .
Shanna took the picture as we trudged home this is about 2:30 A.M.
Shanna looka almost as tired as jubabe and myself but goh we had fun .Better watch out we are on the plant patrol and as bad as I look I would scare all the bugs away.
This blog entry has been viewed 608 times
Plants that deserve attention
Plants I need to mention | Posted:
Fri Jun 02, 2006 5:41 pm
This is my Mexican Petunias .They are blooming lots now so colorful .I do like this plant as much as the others .
This is just odds and end plants . I call it my rock garden because of the rocks around it .I have a Confedrate Rose ,Slavias ,Wish Bone,Wax Begonias
and one Wild Watermelon .
This blog entry has been viewed 552 times