First Totem I ever tried to make
Totem I've worked on Forever | Posted:
Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:40 pm
I have been working on on this Totem forever.Its took me months and I still have a few thinks to do to it.
Another shot of it taken a little closer .
I think this is where I will stand it, at the end of my new bed
This blog entry has been viewed 612 times
New flower bed and Tulips are coming up
New flower bed and Tulip bed | Posted:
Sat Feb 10, 2007 6:19 pm
This is the flower bed Cheyenne and I filled on my day off.Around it in the border is more bulbs.It looks so unlevel but when out there looking at it it doesn't look that way.
This is a picture of the same bed .I have Pansies,Johnny Jumpups and other plants on the right side and at the top is Snap Dragons.
This one is the Tulip bed Cheyenne and I made in the early fall.The Tulips are coming up all over.I do hope the cold weather and frost doesn't kill them.
This blog entry has been viewed 854 times
I may have to have help in the morning
I got lots done in my yard today | Posted:
Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:52 am
I finally made it outside after 1:00 pm .I was back and forth in here then I settled down to clearing out flower bed cutting and burning old plant stalks digging up weeds moving things around and just mainly cleaning up the beds to be used soon I hope.When Cheyenne came in from school she likes to help Nana in the yard.She went to our neighbors house and borrowed their wheel barrow so we could carry the compost to the new bed that Paul started before he left.It took five huge loads of compost and Paul had already put 4 loads in it.We raked and carried limbs and burned all kinds of junk .It got to late to plant seeds or take pictures but I will do that tomorrow.If it isn't raining.It is suppose too. Hope it waits until late to do so.
We are both so tired and my back and shoulders are hurting me really bad tonight.Thats what I get for being lazy during the winter.I will probably need a boost to get up in the morning.
Cheyenne is so much help to me in the yard and house .She really likes to work in the yard.She same me lots of steps.Running here and there and she is as tired tonight as I am.
This blog entry has been viewed 539 times
A beautiful sunny day today
How the day looks here | Posted:
Sun Feb 04, 2007 7:59 pm
It is the most beautiful day we have had in weeks .It is almost 65 degrees sunny gorgeous
day.Birds singing and flying all around Now the sad part is I got a few old dried plants remove and some weeds pulled but now I must leave and go to work Grrrrrrrrr.I so wont to stay at home and do more outside.It makes me sick.Ohhhh well off I go.
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How odd the day looks today
How the day looks here | Posted:
Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:03 pm
It is hard to explain how the weather is here today.
Its a bright ,cloudy, foggy, weird looking day.
I hope you can see the bird on the wire .It wouldn't
let me get closer.
This picture shows a little fog and a little brightness.Not much fog can be seen.
You can see the fog in the trees in this one.It is a
very funny looking day.
This blog entry has been viewed 800 times
Just a few of my finds at the thrift store
A few of my thrift store finds in the past few weeks | Posted:
Mon Jan 29, 2007 8:09 pm
I drop by the thrift store and yard sales often.
The wire tea kettle I love but not sure what I will do with it yet any sugestions.
This next one is a picture of a large globe and a bird feeder
I also found this old rustic bird house I fell in love with.
This is the bird cage I plan to plant a climbing plant in.
This blog entry has been viewed 618 times
Shanna gave me some new Seeds last night
My New Seeds | Posted:
Sun Jan 28, 2007 7:21 pm
When I came home last night Shanna gave me quiet a surprise package of seeds she had bought me,I thought you all would love to see and get a good laugh from it as I did.It is just light a regular seed packet.Down to directions on the back.
The back
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My next project to work on
My next project to work on | Posted:
Wed Jan 24, 2007 7:57 pm
This is what I plan on repairing when I finish my ironing board.
It was on the curb just past Cheyenne's school.I went to the house and ask if they were throwing it away and they said yes and that I could have it.
Another view of it.
This blog entry has been viewed 582 times
My pictures from my new camera
My new Camera | Posted:
Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:10 am
Shanna ,Cheyenne and I went to WalMarts today we were looking for disposable cameras and I was looking at the digital ones and they moved over
to the hanging ones and found one on sale for
$15.00.It has a memory for 117 pictures and didn't have to have a card.I still don't believe it.Here is my proof.
This is one of my projects I have been working on.Its not finished yet.I walked Oreo down where he always goes to do his business and at the place where my neighbor had his camper this was standing
up out of the dead grass and it was upside down like it is now but rusted .I drug it home and started to work on it.I have more things to do to it but thats my idea.
This is my Verbena in my plastic house .
A picture of my ornamental Kale
Also a picture of one of my pansies,You can see I was not steady on this one.
This is a picture of my Windmill not a picture of one from the internet.
Last edited: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:28 am
This blog entry has been viewed 718 times
All is not as well with Heather as we thought
All is not as well as we thought | Posted:
Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:16 pm
Heathers Dr.came in this morning and he did not have the best of news .he said Heather had a partial Abruption of the placenta.Which is a small tear in the placenta.,She is not allowed to lift anything
until the baby is born.Has to take it really easy from now on.The bleeding has stopped so I pray it stays stopped.
This blog entry has been viewed 647 times