Problems with Photo Bucket
I can't get my pictures into Photo Bucket | Posted:
Sat May 26, 2007 3:22 pm
I have all kinds of flower and plant pictures of all the blooms in my yard.Every time I go to Photo Bucket my computer freezes up.I can go anywhere else on it but not there. Any solutions from anyone?
Last edited: Sat May 26, 2007 3:27 pm
This blog entry has been viewed 904 times
I made it home today
I'm home | Posted:
Wed May 23, 2007 4:01 am
I flew out of Billings at 6:20 AM. I got home at about 5:pm.Its been a long day.I will miss my babies so much They will be so big when I see them Christmas.I was glad to get home.Cheyenne Shanna and Kevin were proud to have me home.I think Oreo was even prouder.He ran out and jumped in my arms and started licking me.He acts a little miffed at me but so far not bad.
I was to tired to take any pictures tonight but will tomorrow.
I will say Goodnight and take Oreo and head for bed.
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While I'm away my plants are growing and growing
What I'm missing at home | Posted:
Thu May 03, 2007 6:37 pm
Shanna and Cheyenne are taking care of my plants and my buddy Oreo.Here are some of the things I am Missing.
My Amaryllis that have never bloomed before
My Dahlia's
Another one
And another one
One of my new beds with snapdragons and lots of other plants
Another one
My plants that were just planted seedlings under my windmill in my other new bed.
So many more I want to see
This blog entry has been viewed 683 times
Our little Logan
Logan came into the world at 11:27 PM | Posted:
Wed Apr 25, 2007 7:36 am
Logan was born at 11:27 PM April 24 th.He weighed 7lbs 3ozs and is 18 1/2 inches long.He and his Mommy are doing fine.He was really alert in his pictures.
I think he is a pretty baby.
He is about 30mins old in these pictures.
A proud Nana
This blog entry has been viewed 852 times
The other love in my life besides gardening and Oreo
The other love of my life | Posted:
Sat Apr 14, 2007 4:11 pm
I don't know if I've said much about my candle making.I make container candles.This is a hobby I started back in 1999.It was a great way to make extra money.It also almost killed me in the process.
I was working at the Guard Shack app.40 hours a week and in my candles app.50 hours a week sometimes night and day.As most of you know I ended up with a heart attack.I have slowed down on everything I do.Well now its just a hobby.The pictures are bad quality but I hope it gives an idea of them.
I have about 350 or more bottles of scent oil.My camera doesn't take good indoor pictures but I've attempted to show you some of my things.I have 5 shelves full that wont show as they are in the dark hall way of my candle camper house
A few that wont fit in the shelves,
also one of my pouring pitchers in the middle
of the scent oil.
A few of what I made the past 2 nights finished product except for the labels haven't been applied.
Another view.
My problem is I don't know when to stop when I start so I put off making them until I have so many to make at once.I turned to gardening .Thats really what started my gardening .
This blog entry has been viewed 769 times
Less than a month ago
Echinacea and Mullin plants | Posted:
Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:05 am
Less than a month ago I took this picture of tne Echinacea and Mullin plants in my front yard.
Today I took this picture.The Echinacea is really growing so tall.So is the Mullin.Its growing so fast.
I think the compost is really helping them out.
This blog entry has been viewed 860 times
Remember the bramble in my back yard?
Logan is very sick | Posted:
Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:08 am
If you all remember me grumbling about the briars and brambles in behind my house.
This is before
and more
After a friend came to see me today.
Another one.
I'm so proud of it now I can hang bird feeders and
all the trees are nice way back and the cat may leave them alone back there.
Last edited: Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:15 am
This blog entry has been viewed 708 times
My New Spider plant
Beautful Spider Plant I recieved yesterday in the mail | Posted:
Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:51 pm
I recieved a package in the mail yesterday.It was from Deanna (Statsmom)Thank you so much for the loving care you gave these plants plants and the little package you sent Oreo :)He has enjoyed his treats so much.
Another of it.
This blog entry has been viewed 799 times
One of the most beautiful Blooms
Beautiful Wisteria | Posted:
Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:41 pm
My dad plant this plant with his loving hands to please my mom.He also planted the big beautiful
Mimosa Tree and the big Crepe Myrtle.
Here is one of the big blooms on this plant.
Yes so gorgeous,This is the big Mimosa that this beautiful plant has chocked to death.It has killed
the 3 big redbud trees and oaks and the Crepe Myrtle and everything else around in a 1/4 of a mile as it
has run and run.Yes, its a beauty.
Last edited: Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:49 pm
This blog entry has been viewed 824 times
Here are a few of my new plants that are in the hot house
Some of my seedlings have really grown | Posted:
Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:57 pm
My babies are really growing up.
These are a few Zinnias.That have really grown.
My Cinnamon Basil and Spearmint and plain Sweet Basil.
The Old Fashion mix.
The cut flower mix.
Last edited: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:03 pm
This blog entry has been viewed 599 times