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cajunbelle's Blog

Ways to Tell You Are A Cajun (unknown)

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 12:19 am


You know you're in south Louisiana if ...

traveling distances are measured in minutes.

your idea of a traffic jam is being behind two cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.

vacation always means going to the family reunion.

people you know have accidentally hit a deer on the road at night.

some of those people picked up the road kill to cook later.

school classes were called off because of flood.

school classes were called off because of cold.

school classes were called off because of heat.

you've switched from heater to AC in the same day.

local stores have grocery sacks, not bags.

you see people wearing bib overalls at funerals or weddings.

the word "fix" might be used in an unusual way, such as "I'm fixin' to go by there."

festivals across your state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal.

you carry jumper cables in your car --- for your own car!

you know what "cow-tipping" and "snipe-hunting" are and/or have done them.

your kitchen has three basic spices: Tony C's, Tabasco, and ketchup.

local newspapers cover national and world events on a single page.

local papers devote six pages to sports news.

the first day of any hunting season is a good reason to miss work.

you know which leaves make good toilet paper.

your four seasons are Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, and Christmas.

you know whether other Louisianians are from southern or northern LA as soon as their mouths open to talk.

there is a Dairy Queen in every town with a population of 1000 or more.

going to the local Wal-Mart is a favorite past-time known as "goin walmartin" or "off to Wally World."

you describe the first cool snap (below 70 degrees for two days in a row ) as good gumbo weather.

any carbonated soft drink (soda or pop) is called a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor.

you can be satisfied with a meal consisting of only a hunk of bread dipped in flavored flour and water (a Cajun delicacy known as biscuits & gravy). really can be sure that you must be a Cajun IF... you actually understand what all of the above situations are about and share the joke with your internet friends.

This blog entry has been viewed 2047 times

Days of the Week

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:21 pm

dimanche Sunday
lundi Monday
mardi Tuesday
mercredi Wednesday
veudi Thursday
vendredi Friday
samedi Saturday

This blog entry has been viewed 599 times

Bonfires on the Levee

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:56 am

While I know that Louisiana is not the only place that has bonfires, we do make a big deal out of it. It has been years since I have been to one. We used to go every year on Christmas Eve to the bonfires. They line the levee along the Mississippi River, some in Ascension and St. John Parishes, the greater majority being in St. James Parish. But why bonfires?

This is according to Emily Chenet Guidry:
For example, one of the more recent and increasingly popular explanations is that the bonfires were a "Cajun tradition", first used to light the way for "Papa Noel", the Cajun version of Santa Claus. This charming version, although improbable, has been depicted annually in front of a Paulina, LA business establishment where a levee scene shows "Papa Noel" with his pirogue drawn by alligators named Gaston, Ninette, "Te-Boy", Celeste, Suzette, etc.

Now, according to me, I think the popularity of bonfires in South Louisiana is just an excuse to have a party. But whatever the reason, they are a fun way to spend a Christmas Eve.

Here's wishing everyone, no matter what there Christmas traditions may be, a Joyeux Noel.

This blog entry has been viewed 841 times

More Cajun Words

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 3:06 am

Ok folks, these all deal with food.

Cafe au lait (kah-fay oh-lay) coffee with milk, or coffee milk as my Mom called it. We would dip our hot buttered toast into it. We were too young for full strength coffee, so it was served with a lot of milk.

Cochon De Lait (koh-shon-due-lay).it refers to a pig roast, of a suckling pig, slow roasted over an outside fire. The pig is hung over a hickory fire so the fat will drain out and drip into the fire causing the flames to raise again and smoke, thus crisping and flavoring the pigs skin turning it the color of dark honey.

COUCHE COUCHE (koosh-koosh).....a cajun cornmeal cereal, usually eaten with milk and/or syrup.

ETOUFEE (ay-too-fay)....literally means "smothered....a dish of onions, celery, garlic, and green peppers sauteed, in oil or butter, with a roux based sauce. It's usually made with shrimp or crawfish and it too is served over rice.

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A Real Cajun Ghost Story

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 8:33 pm

I posted a pic of the Ruddock Swamp on the forum side. A lot of people around here know about the Ruddock Swamp ghost, and a lot of people around here have heard the saying, "Don't let the sun go down on you in the Ruddock Swamp." What a lot of people have never had is a real life experience with the swamp ghost. Back before interstates the only way to New Orleans was River Road or La. Hwy. 61, better known as Airline Highway. All of my Mom and Dad's kids where born at the Charity Hospital in New Orleans. My youngest brother was very sick and almost died at birth. He stayed in the hospital until he was 2 years old. Mom stayed with him. That meant a lot of trips for Dad back and forth. We lived about 70 miles away. He always took Airline Highway, because it was the better road. On one of the trips in the early hours of the morning going through Ruddock Swamp he saw a young lady on side of the road. She looked very distressed, so Dad, being the gentleman that he was, stopped to give her a ride. She got in the back seat. I don't remember all the details, but he took her to the next town. She was quiet all the way. When they got to the town he stopped to ask her where she wanted to go, and imagine his surprise when he turned around to the back seat and no one was there. He went to the local police station and told them what had happened. He probably thought they would think him looney tunes, but just the opposite happened. They told him he had an encounter with the Ruddock Swamp ghost. Why she roamed the highways on foggy nights no one knows, and I often wonder if she still does.

This blog entry has been viewed 722 times

Joie De Vivre

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:22 am

Joie De Vivre(zhwa-de-vee) a joy of life, more of an attitude of life.

My Grandmother, my Dad's mom had an attitude of life. She was a small woman. She had 13 children and raised 11. She lost two when they were young, I don't remember how. I can never remember her saying a cross word to any of us. She was always happy, although she worked very hard. I remember how she would talk to the people on tv like they could hear her. She loved cowboy shows. When someone would be sneaking up on another person she would tell them to watch out he is behind you with a gun, or something similar. Most of the time she would talk to the tv in French. One day she went into the washshed and came out cussing in French. She went onto the back porch and came back with the shotgun, and told us to get out of the way. She went back into the washshed cussing all the way.We heard the shotgun go off and she came out holding up a chicken snake longer than her. She said he won't get anymore of my eggs. The last time I saw her was when Sarah was a baby. She had reverted back to being a baby too, body and mind. My aunt wheeled her out in her wheelchair and told her we were there, not that she understood. My aunt and I were talking to her, without getting a response of course. Sarah started talking and cooing her baby talk. Grandma perked right up and starting cooing back at her. I often wonder what they said to each other.

Last edited: Mon Oct 23, 2006 12:43 am

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Cajun 102, Ahnvee and other Words

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:47 am

In my gumbo blog Pondlady asked "What is an ahnvee." Ahnvee is Cajun for a craving or a hankering. I had and ahnvee for a gumbo, that is why I made one and ate it for 3 days. Here are a few more:

Bouree' (boo-ray) a Cajun card game in which the loser of the round must match the pot whether anyone has won it or not. BTW, I have made grown men weep playing this card game.

Fais Do Do (fay doe doe) a party featuring Cajun dancing usually in the street or outside. The literal translation is "to make sleep", but you won't find any snoozing at a fais do do.

Beignet (ben-yea) a square shaped donut, deep fried, and generously sprinkled with powdered sugar. Mom made them from scratch using yeast bread dough.

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Cajun 101

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 1:18 am

boucherie (BOOSHREE) butchering When we were children boucherie time was really exciting. Several local friends would come and help Dad butcher the hogs. We knew that special treats were in store, such as boudin, a savory sausage made with rice, pork meat,and seasonings; hogheads cheese, another savory dish made with the head and other meat, cooked down and poured into loaf pans. When it cooled it was unmolded and sliced. Cracklings, fried hog fat, were also a favorite. It was like a big party and we all passed a good time.

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