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cajunbelle's Blog

Realistic Spring Shopping List

Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:18 am

OK, I am going to be realistic here.

I do want some new daylilies, and since I can't afford the new introductions that cost hundreds apiece I will settle for the WalMart/KMart varieties. Maybe 5 or six, that is being realistic.

And although I would love to order tons of seeds, I already have tons of seeds. I do want the Brazilian Fireworks and Snail Vine seeds, and maybe the two new morning glories, Rosita and Sunrise Serenade, and the Star Ipomoea. I also want some new Mt. Fuji morning glory seeds because they don't come back true to color from the seeds I saved. And I want to find the purple moonflower vine seed, that is being realistic.

I don't thing I will get any new roses, unless I find one I just can't resist, or two or three. And I may need some new gladioli bulbs, because I stored mine in the uninsulated tin shed and they may have froze, I haven't had a chance to check yet. Even if they didn't I think I need a few more, they are, after all , my favorite flower. That is being realistic.

Now if I run across a ginger or a canna lily I don't have I will do my very best to resist them, but realistically I don't think I can do that. That is being realistic.

So come on everyone, let's all be realistic here, if I can do it so can you.

This blog entry has been viewed 741 times

Yeah For Daylilies!!!!!!!!!!!!

Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 3:52 am

I got something to begin looking forward to for spring. While browsing the reduced Christmas goods on my lunch hour today, and being bored by it, I went outside onto the patio at the garden center. There, kinda hidden to one side, were 2 big displays of bulbs, still shrink wrapped. Me, being the nosey person I am, but only when it comes to flowers, went and had a look. I saw at least 6 different daylilies. One display was behind the other and all I could see on it was the top row. I am going back tomorrow and see if maybe they have opened them. The only one I had ever heard of was Pardon Me, a red rebloomer. There was a beautiful two tone lavender/ purple. Can't wait till payday. LOL

This blog entry has been viewed 666 times

Days of the Week

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 2:21 pm

dimanche Sunday
lundi Monday
mardi Tuesday
mercredi Wednesday
veudi Thursday
vendredi Friday
samedi Saturday

This blog entry has been viewed 599 times

How We Met, Part 2, or...............

Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:18 am

how I fooled Richard, according to Richard. LOL

When we first met we, of course, tried to learn everything about each other. So the conversation came around to where we grew up. Richard is from Kentwood, a small dairy town, on the Louisiana, Mississippi state line. I am from Darrow, a very small rural town, whose only claim to fame was the Mississippi River ferry to a larger town, Donaldsonville. In fact Kentwood seemed like a big city compared to Darrow. I told Richard we lived in the middle of cane fields, which was the absolute truth, they surrounded us. He always tells people I trapped him under false impressions, because I made it sound like my Daddy was a sugar cane plantation owner.(NOT) Silly boy.

This blog entry has been viewed 511 times

Family Christmas Gathering 2006

Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 4:12 am

Yes, it was that time of the year again. Time for the annual family Christmas feast. My oldest sister could not come because her husband is not able to travel. My oldest brother did not come because he is a butt, and my youngest did not show either, who knows why. But the rest of us were there and we all had a good time. The kids are great, there are 5 young ones, ages 6years-10 months old. The older three are 17, 14, and 13 years old. Then the older older ones, 22, 21, and 18. Mom seemed to enjoy herself,even though she was tired when it was all over. It is at the middle sister's house every year. It is about and hour and a half drive, which isn't too bad, except you have to travel through Baton Rouge and cross the Mississippi River Bridge. Extreme traffic. The food, as usual, was wonderful, Honey baked ham, turkey, her wild rice dressing, peas, corn, sweet potato casserole, and homemade cresent rolls, plus homemade cookies and candy and an awesome chocolate pie. The kids tore into the presents and just loved them all. Sarah was happy, she got money. We got home at about 6 PM and this is the first time I have really sat down, so I am tired. Ate way too much, so I really need to go to bed. Goodnight all.

This blog entry has been viewed 634 times

Cookie Making Parties

Category: Childhood Memories | Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:56 am

Every year when my sisters and I were growing up Mom would let us invite friends and we would have a cookie making party. She would make huge bowls of sugar cookie dough, we would roll it out and make cut out cookies. She had every cookie cutter shape imaginable, stars, christmas trees, angels, wreaths, different ornament shapes, like teardrops and just circles, anything to do with Christmas. Of course there was the powdered sugar icing tinted with food coloring to ice them with. Then came the decorations, silver candy beads, tiny, tiny multi-color candy beads, green and red colored sugar, and tiny candy snowflakes. She also made cookie press cookies, I know that's not the right name for them, I think it is Spritz cookies. Of course we got to use the cookie press and make the different designs. We all had such a good time, and the friends got to take home loads of cookies. Gosh, life sure seemed a lot simplier then.

This blog entry has been viewed 1250 times

Oatmeal Scotchies

Category: Cooking | Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 3:38 am

One of my favorite cookies, I very seldom make them bc no one else really likes them and I tend to eat them all. I leave the cinnamon out and like to add walnuts:

25 min 15 min prep

1 1/4 cups unsifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 cups Old-Fashioned Quaker oats
1 (18 1/3 ounce) package Nestle Toll House butterscotch-flavored morsels (about 2 cups)

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
2. Combine flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a small bowl; set aside.
3. Beat butter, granulated sugar, brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract in a large bowl.
4. Gradually beat in flour mixture.
5. Stir in oats and morsels.
6. Drop by rounded Tablespoonfuls onto an ungreased baking sheet.
7. Bake 7 to 8 minutes for chewy cookies, 9 to 10 minutes for crisp cookies.
8. Cool on baking sheets for 2 minutes, remove to wire racks to cool completely.
9. Pan Cookie Variation: Grease 15x10-inch jelly-roll pan.
10. Prepare dough as above.
11. Spread in prepared pan.
12. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes or until lightly browned.
13. Cool completely in pan on wire rack.

This blog entry has been viewed 533 times

Bonfires on the Levee

Category: Cajun Sayings and Stories | Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 3:56 am

While I know that Louisiana is not the only place that has bonfires, we do make a big deal out of it. It has been years since I have been to one. We used to go every year on Christmas Eve to the bonfires. They line the levee along the Mississippi River, some in Ascension and St. John Parishes, the greater majority being in St. James Parish. But why bonfires?

This is according to Emily Chenet Guidry:
For example, one of the more recent and increasingly popular explanations is that the bonfires were a "Cajun tradition", first used to light the way for "Papa Noel", the Cajun version of Santa Claus. This charming version, although improbable, has been depicted annually in front of a Paulina, LA business establishment where a levee scene shows "Papa Noel" with his pirogue drawn by alligators named Gaston, Ninette, "Te-Boy", Celeste, Suzette, etc.

Now, according to me, I think the popularity of bonfires in South Louisiana is just an excuse to have a party. But whatever the reason, they are a fun way to spend a Christmas Eve.

Here's wishing everyone, no matter what there Christmas traditions may be, a Joyeux Noel.

This blog entry has been viewed 841 times

The Animals Christmas Eve

Category: Childhood Memories | Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 12:32 am

I am putting this under Childhood Memories, not because it is one of mine as a child, but because it is one I have of my girls growing up. I love this poem, it is in the form of a Little Golden Book. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I and my family have:

In the barn on Christmas Eve,
After all the people leave,
The animals, in voices low
Remember Christmas long ago

One small hen, upon her nest,
Softly clucks to all the rest:
"Little chicks, come, gather near.
A wondrous story you will hear."

Two white doves, on rafters high,
Coo a quiet lullaby:
"Long ago in manger hay,
The little baby Jesus lay.

Three wise men from far away
Came to visit him one day,
For he was born," the doves recall,
"To be the greatest king of all!"

Four brown horses in their stalls,
Snug within the stable walls,
Tell of his birth: "'Twas long foretold
By chosen men in days of old."

Five gray donkeys speak with pride,
Remembering one who gave a ride:
"Our brother donkey went with them
From Nazareth to Bethlehem."

Six spotted calves now nibble hay
Like that on which the baby lay.
"They put him in a manger bed
So he could rest his sleepy head."

Seven goats, all black and white,
Describe the sky that holy night:
"A star appeared at early morn
To mark the place where he was born."

Eight nestling kitten lick their fur.
They nod their heads and softly purr.
"And he was wrapped in swaddling clothes
To keep him warm from head to toes."

Nine wooly sheep down from the hill,
On Christmas Eve remember still:
"Shepherds heard the angels sing
Praises to the newborn king."

Ten soft lambs say Jesus' name.
"He was the Lamb of God who came.
He was the greatest gift of love
Sent from his Father, God, above."

Eleven puppies listen well,
In hopes that they, in turn, can tell
The Christmas story another year
For all the animals to hear

Twelve chimes ring out from far away-
The lovely bells of Christmas Day.
And every beast bows low its head
For one small babe in a manger bed.

Gale Wiersum

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What a Mess

Category: Family and Everyday Life | Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 6:34 pm

I am finally decorating the tree. I have stuff strewn all over the place.I got a small tree and now wish I had gotten a larger one because I won't be able to use all of my decorations. Richard is on his way back from New Orleans and I thought I would have it all cleaned up by now. NOT!!!!!!! I am also cooking as I decorate and thought I would take a Stew break. I have to go bathe Mom when she gets up from her nap, so I hope I have it finished by then. I also have some jewelry orders to complete and a totem order to work on. That will make four totems I have sold as Christmas presents. And I haven't even cleaned house today. Oh well, there's always tomorrow for that, after work of course. And Richard will do some of what I didn't get done. I like to try to do the things that bother his back while I'm off so he doesn't have to. I guess typing on this computer is not getting the tree finished. Gotta go!!!!!!!!!!

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