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cajunbelle's Blog
The Person I Admire the Most
Category: People Who Have Blessed My Life | Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2006 4:33 am I guess I could have put this under family, it would fit there too. But this person has been a blessing to me all of my life. She is my Mom, and at 84 years old she continues to be an immense blessing to me. Let me tell you why I admire her so much. My mother was born with a degenerative bone disease. It is a form of dwarfism. She is probably only about 4ft. 6 inches, maybe. This never stopped her. She had seven children, raised 6, lost one. My youngest brother was born with one kidney, which was malfunctioning. She stayed at the hospital 2 years with him and after 22 surgeries he finally came home. It is only by the efforts of one doctor, Dr. Rowena Spencer, that he survived. And the loving care of a mother who would not leave him in the hands of the nurses, a mother who had to make a choice of leaving her other 5 children at home to stay with her sick baby. My mother, even when she was younger, could not easily get up and down steps. My Dad built a rail for her to hold on to so she would be able to motivate them. I can remember her washing clothes by hand, hauling water in to heat for our bathes, wringing chickens necks and plucking them and cleaning them, hoeing a huge garden, directing us to pick the vegetables so she could clean them and can them, staying up till 2 in the morning cleaning crawfish for the freezer, plus doing the housework and cooking. She never stopped, she would have had every excuse not to work the way she did, but she never used it. She never complained, she just did what she had to do for her family, never thinking of herself. When she finally went to the doctor for her bones he was amazed. He told her everytime she had a baby, the birthing process displaced her hips a little more. He was surprised that she could walk at all. She has had both hips replaced 2 times. The last surgery did not go well. The doctor bothced it, he did not rebuild her pelvic bone and the hip joint had nothing solid to hold to and it crumbled, a week later he redid the surgery, this time rebuilding the pelvic bone. A week later he was back in pulling everything out and fusing the hip with no artifical joint in it because of massive infection. She almost died, and that is the closest I have ever seen her to giving up. She was in a rehab hospital for 3 months learning how to walk again. None of it ever stopped her. At 82 she was still cooking and washing her dishes. She now can not do those things anymore. I feel honored to be able to do for her now, after she has given me so much, after she devoted her life to raising her family. Many people would have given up long ago. This blog entry has been viewed 8392 times
The Bravest Person I Ever Met
Category: People Who Have Blessed My Life | Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:43 am Britney was just a small slip of a girl when I first met her. I had already heard of her health problems and I knew that her chances for survival were slim. But I also knew that miracles did still happen. I work with her grandmother, who is probably the strongest person I have ever met. Britney had a brain tumor, which was hereditary and it developed at the age it was predicted to. She was nine years old when she was first diagnosed. I only met her several times, but she was the type of person who's inner strength showed through at first glance. Even if I had not known of her illness I would have still seen it. I think through the two year ordeal she was more worried about her family than herself. I have a small picture of her hanging on my inspiration wreath on the wall behind my desk. She has no hair because of the chemo, and a pink headband on. It is a beautiful picture. Britney's grandfather passed away from a heartattack, her grandmother woke up one moring and he was gone. No warning, no signs that anything was wrong. Britney said it was because he didn't want her to be alone in heaven and he went first to wait for her. In less than three months Britney went to be with her grandfather. Her grandma said she never complained. She fought the good fight and she went home in the end, at 11 years of age. Whenever I get down about anything I think of Britney and of her bravery. I know then that there is nothing that I cannot overcome through the inner strength that can only be gotten from Jesus. This blog entry has been viewed 702 times
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