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Daisy Comeback
Posted: 08 May 2007 Posted: 24 Apr 2007 Posted: 12 Apr 2007 Posted: 10 Apr 2007 Posted: 05 Apr 2007 All Entries |
cajunbelle's Blog
Daisy Comeback
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 7:07 pm I can't believe it, my Shasta Daisies I forgot to water are coming back, one even has a bud on it. Amazing. I just kept watering them and then we had a couple of good rains, and they're back, now I gotta get them in the ground. This blog entry has been viewed 3318 times
Latest Doings
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:20 am I have finally gotten the whiskey barrel half planted, I need some cane reeds to do the middle part. I am putting the passionvine my church Momma gave me in the middle, and I want to get some yellow or gold million bells to trail down the side. I think it will get enough light for them. I started planting my plants still in their little containers. Much to my dismay, I forgot to water them Saturday and lost my Shasta daisies, and my herbs look pretty bad. I was so upset with myself. Too much to do and not enough time. We have cannas blooming and daylily spikes everywhere. The roses are coming along nicely, most of them anyway. My goal tomorrow is to clean out the winter shelter and get as much or all of it in the ground or containers. One day I may get it all together. I promise pics as soon as I can get DD to take them, she does so much better than me. Oh, how could I forget, I bought a Jacobinia: Last edited: Tue Apr 24, 2007 1:22 am This blog entry has been viewed 2876 times
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:48 am Since it rained until late yesterday evening, I think I got a good bit done. I set up and planted my fan grate yesterday evening. I kinda messed up assembling it. I got the pole on the crosspiece stuck and it didn't go down on the pipe as far as I would have liked. Once the spagnum moss, dirt and plants were in it was heavy. I hope the pipe does not bend, it is 1/2 inch copper pipe. Copper is soft. Pics as soon as DD gets back with the camera. Today, I planted two containers for Mom, repotted her mini rose we got her for Easter, and set up my big half whiskey barrel planter after Richard drilled the holes in it . I need some more packing peanuts to fill it in partially so it won't use so much dirt. I also put a large plastic pot upside down in the bottom. The plants I am putting in it just don't need that much root room. I did some weeding around the spot where I have the fan grate and barrel set up. There is a gate that leads to nowhere, on one side of it I have pinecone ginger, which is just peeping through the soil, and shell ginger planted. On the other side I am putting alternanthera "party time" and pink begonias. I have the barrel and fan grate on either end. I will also plant around the pipe for the fan grate, probably torenia. It should be a nice spot when finished. I had to dig two beauty berry bushes up that were volunteers. We have them all over. I also got one of my yellow hibiscus planted. I think that is all, all I can remember anyway. This blog entry has been viewed 2436 times
Progress Report
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 2:53 am My amaryllis are almost open, I only have 2 different varieties. One is a double white and red, the other solid red. I have single, low growing red cannas blooming, my clematis has 7 beautiful flowers on it. The La. irises are blooming, one kind is finished, the others at peak bloom, the copper color have not started. The pink seven sisters climbing rose is going to be in full bloom in a couple of weeks, an awesome site. The pine cone ginger is peaking through, as is the shell ginger. I may have lost the hidden lily ginger, the bulbs heaved and are mushy feeling. The butterfly ginger is really big already. The passion vine is off to a good start, I fertilized it and mixed some manure into the top third of the soil. The white hibiscus with the wine center is back with 12 shoots so far. It is also fertilized and manured. Oh, I got a new passion vine and a tea rose, both babies, but they will grow. They were given to me by a friend at church. The pink osteospermum is blooming along with the snaps, pansies, and violas. I have 2 daylily flower spikes, the big different one that I got free has a spike. The plant that wins the most blooms award, besides the Seven Sisters, is a little daisy called Becky. I had her in a pot last year, dug her out and put her in the ground in January. She has over 30 flowers on her as far as I could count, and my balsam has self seeded very freely again. Awwwww, the bed is calling my name. I am so tired. This blog entry has been viewed 2832 times
Flower Bed Update
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:24 pm Well it is almost finished. I will take some pics with a disposable and by then it will be filled out a little more. So be visual with me for a minute. Starting at one front corner, across the back and up to the other front corner, purple perennial verbena, giant yellow daylily, purple angels trumpet, yellow hardy hibiscus, purple butterfly bush, bright yellow daylily, purple hardy chrysanthemum, another clump of giant yellow daylily. On each back corner of the bed behind the AT, I have yellow canna, and behind the mums, a yellow cassia alata or candelabra tree. In the middle I have gold marigolds and purple salvia. I have a little filling in to do, but haven't figured out what to put yet. I think I will try to get a couple of the coreopsis nana for some more gold. This blog entry has been viewed 2126 times
New Flower Bed, Yeah!!!!!
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:06 pm Do y'all remember last year when we dug all of the daylilies and irises out of a bed in front? Well, it is a bed again. Richard tilled it yesterday, we raked it and got the grass out today. I hauled 5 wheelbarrows of good dirt from our brush pile in the back, not the easiest of hauls. I broke the wheelbarrow when I hit a log covered by leaves. Richard fixed it, the axle had just slipped out of the little metal holder. I dug the log out, and it now sits in front of the new bed. It is really curvy and bumpy and adds interest. One the high end I will plant some type of trailing plant to spill over it. It broke in two, but I got it to sit back like it was in the ground. And I need to find another piece about 4 ft. long to finish off the front of the bed. When our land was cleared the idiots who did it pushed all of the brush and trash trees in a corner with oak trees, so we can't burn it without hurting the trees. A lot of our topsoil was pushed back there too. That is where I got the dirt. Anyway, I will start planting the bed this afternoon, I want all purple and gold/yellow plants in it. Go LSU!!!!! I have a butterfly plant, a candelabra tree, a purple angels trumpet, and some purple perennial verbena so far. I will probably put some yellow daylilies in there too. What's a flower bed without daylilies. I want some glads and some low growing gold coreopsis but my flower allowance is used up for now. Oh well, we'll see what else can be found to put in it. I will update everyone on the progress in a couple of days. This blog entry has been viewed 2130 times
Unplanned Plants
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:01 am My brother needed to buy veggie plants. So we left for work early and stopped by a small garden center on the way. Gosh, they had so many flowers, I could have went nuts. The plants were really healthy too. I have been to this place before, but don't remember such a wide selection. I am going back to get some herbs. Today I got 2 Homestead purple verbena, a shrimp plant, and indigo ferra, 2 sedums, a persian shield, a gaura, and 2 alternanthera party time, a hot pink and green foliage plant, a pretty red curly coleus, all of these are in 4 inch pots and were from $1.29-$1.99 each. In Wayside Catalog the gaura in a 3inch pot is $9.95. I also got a 6pk of coleus, a pretty lime green color, a six pack of pink moss rose and 2 packs of marigolds, plus some tomatoes and peppers. I am a happy camper. The only blight on the day was the fact that I had to send the plants home with Richard and work till eight o-clock tonight. Oh, I forgot, I also bought 2 nine pack impatiens at WalMart tonight. They are a pretty dark lavender with a white star, plain lavender, and white mix. These will go around a stump in front of a beauty berry bush, we will plant a moonflower vine to twine up the bush like we did last year. I can't wait to go back to this place and take a little longer to browse, they were crowded today, being a Saturday. They have some really awesome garden ornaments too. This blog entry has been viewed 2017 times
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:18 am I bought a perennial verbena today. It is pink, I think the name is Rapunzel Pink. It is loaded with clusters of buds. It is also starting to root at the little nodes along the stem. In two years it will probably cover the whole side of the bed where I have it plantd. I have a society garlic I planted there also and put hot pink vinca inbetween them and on around the curve of the bed. If I get really industrious I will finish going around the bed and widen it like I did here and plant other things. I think I will get some moss roses to plant in front of the vinca along the edge of the bed. This fall I will take tip cutting of the verbena so next year I can go all the way around the bed with it. This will eventually be my pink and white bed. This blog entry has been viewed 1890 times
Discoveries Part Two
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:39 pm How could I have forgotten about the clematis. I checked it last week and nothing. Since our rain the other day it is going beserk. So I got the troublesome grass out of it, put some fertilizer and horse manure on it and mulched it good, now it should really go crazy. I also but a small oblesik over the passion vine to keep the cats out of it. This afternoon I am going to freshen the dirt with some manure and fertilize it also. I dug up my Little Missy daylilies bc they were not happy, I put them back in a large pot with some hot pink vinca. They did really well in the pot but I thought they should be in the ground, they didn't like the ground, at least not where I had them. I was very good at HD this morning. We got the ant stuff, rose food, plant food, a part for the pump so we would have more water pressure and some cacti soil. They had no RoundUp except the premixed which is way too expensive if you have a lot to do. In fact, there had barely anything. Most of the bedding plants were in really bad shape, and they had no perennials hardly at all. I got a flat of pink flowering vinca and a flat of pink begonias, I like pink flowers. There was hardly any bagged soil or mulch, which I thought was weird. And we frogot the hose for the washing machine. Time to mop the kitchen and think about supper. This blog entry has been viewed 1938 times
Things I Have Discovered
Category: Flowers and Vegetables | Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:09 pm Last year I bought a native passion vine, because I want the fruit it produces. I put it in a pot, babied it and ended up with a very puny vine, three flowers and nothing else. The caterpillars ate it up, but it put out new leaves which they ate again. Kittle was laying in the pot the other day and I had just about given up hope, especially since I didn't mulch or protect it in anyway over the winter. Well yesterday I passed by the pot and it has four healthy shoots coming off the roots. Hooray!!!!! Now I have to decide If I will leave it in the pot or put it in the ground. My Dallas Red lantana is also coming back as is my Bengal Tiger Canna. No show from the Blue Daze, White Plumbago, and Mexican Heather, I think I have lost them, and also two orange and yellow lantana's. The purple Louisiana irises are in full bud, it won't be too long before I have flowers, no sign of the copper or yellow irises blooming yet. My amarylis have flower spikes coming out, they seem to be enjoying their new place as are the bearded irises, which have gotten huge. I found some irises in a place we didn't plant them, I guess they kinda just wandered around somehow and ended up there. Those things will grow anywhere. I was given a pink climbing rose by a friend last year and it is putting out new growth and some healthy new shoots, which I have to train to the fence. I have more glads coming up and all of the daylilies seem to be doing good, I have to move some bc other plants are taking them over. I bought a tropical shrub last year, grewia, never heard of it, but it's pretty lavender flowers were too pretty to pass up. I put it under the shelter to overwinter it. I was going to prune it yesterday, but it has flower buds all up and down the stems. So I guess I will wait till the fall. It bloomed off and on all winter, just three or four flowers at a time, but they were pretty to see on a dreary winter's day. Oh well, sitting here typing is getting nothing done in the yard so I gotta go. Oops, forgot to add, I am going to Home Depot today, I will try to be very good, I hope they have their bulbs reduced and I am looking for a Duranta. Will let y'all know what we find. Last edited: Mon Mar 19, 2007 2:14 pm This blog entry has been viewed 910 times
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