Discoveries Part Two
Flowers and Vegetables | Posted:
Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:39 pm
How could I have forgotten about the clematis. I checked it last week and nothing. Since our rain the other day it is going beserk. So I got the troublesome grass out of it, put some fertilizer and horse manure on it and mulched it good, now it should really go crazy. I also but a small oblesik over the passion vine to keep the cats out of it. This afternoon I am going to freshen the dirt with some manure and fertilize it also.
I dug up my Little Missy daylilies bc they were not happy, I put them back in a large pot with some hot pink vinca. They did really well in the pot but I thought they should be in the ground, they didn't like the ground, at least not where I had them.
I was very good at HD this morning. We got the ant stuff, rose food, plant food, a part for the pump so we would have more water pressure and some cacti soil. They had no RoundUp except the premixed which is way too expensive if you have a lot to do. In fact, there had barely anything. Most of the bedding plants were in really bad shape, and they had no perennials hardly at all. I got a flat of pink flowering vinca and a flat of pink begonias, I like pink flowers. There was hardly any bagged soil or mulch, which I thought was weird. And we frogot the hose for the washing machine. Time to mop the kitchen and think about supper.
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