Unplanned Plants
Flowers and Vegetables | Posted:
Sun Mar 25, 2007 3:01 am
My brother needed to buy veggie plants. So we left for work early and stopped by a small garden center on the way. Gosh, they had so many flowers, I could have went nuts. The plants were really healthy too. I have been to this place before, but don't remember such a wide selection. I am going back to get some herbs. Today I got 2 Homestead purple verbena, a shrimp plant, and indigo ferra, 2 sedums, a persian shield, a gaura, and 2 alternanthera party time, a hot pink and green foliage plant, a pretty red curly coleus, all of these are in 4 inch pots and were from $1.29-$1.99 each. In Wayside Catalog the gaura in a 3inch pot is $9.95. I also got a 6pk of coleus, a pretty lime green color, a six pack of pink moss rose and 2 packs of marigolds, plus some tomatoes and peppers. I am a happy camper. The only blight on the day was the fact that I had to send the plants home with Richard and work till eight o-clock tonight. Oh, I forgot, I also bought 2 nine pack impatiens at WalMart tonight. They are a pretty dark lavender with a white star, plain lavender, and white mix. These will go around a stump in front of a beauty berry bush, we will plant a moonflower vine to twine up the bush like we did last year. I can't wait to go back to this place and take a little longer to browse, they were crowded today, being a Saturday. They have some really awesome garden ornaments too.
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