My hand made bird feeder...
Spring | Posted:
Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:14 pm
I had this ugly hanging kichten basket. Im sure weve all seen its type. Its wired and has three wired baskets, the largest being at the bottom and the littlest being at the top.
Well, I had that ugly thing up in my kitchen before the move. But I flat out refused to put it in my new one.
But Im a pack rat. I never throw anything away (I might need it later) So heres what I did.
I took three black bowls and in two I cut holes in the bottoms. I put one in the top, one in the middle and the one without holes in the bottom. I poured bird seeds in the bowls.
A few days later the birds discovered the feeder. When one was on the top, the movement sends seeds through the hole of that bowl into the seeds of the bowl below. It seems to be attacting birds when they drop through the holes.
Its great to watch the different birds eatting out of different bowls right below each other at the same time.
Theres a bluejay and a chickadee(think i spelled that right) that will eat at the same time. The Bluejay on top and the chickadee on the middle.
Its amazing to watch.
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