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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
Im a bad mama!To understand what Im talking about, I have to go back a few days. About four days ago I noticed a big red bubble right above the right eye of my male cat, Chase. He is an outside cat and likes to fight with anything and everything, including non living things like bobwire fencing, the tree in my front yard and the tires on my truck. Strange one indeed. Well, anywho, I picked him up and using a clean cloth, I washed that area in warm soapy water. He wasnt too happy but he let me do it. It was like a gusher! Once I started, it didnt stop. It looked to be pus. Well, finally got it to stop and all cleaned up. The cut was right above his eye, like I said and it was a clean cut. No jagged edges and too wide to be from another cat or dog. Well, After getting it cleaned up, I let him go and made him stay in for the night so I could keep an eye on him. The next morning the cut was scabbed over but the side of his face was swollen. OK.... So This time Chase wasnt so sweet about his mama wanting to pick him up and mess with his ouchies. After fighting with him, I finally got a beeter look but only a peek cuz he jump out of my arms. I didnt see any other wounds so I just figured it was swelling that comes with gettting hurt, right? If theres blood, you are going have swelling ,even a little. So I just kept a clost eye on him. Well that night, I notcied blood on my floor where he sleeps. Being as I have three dogs, two cats, one snake and two mice, I had to track down the right one first. When I finally got him, he had redish fluids running down his face. Not bad but noticable. So I was like, Ok its draining thats good. I didnt try to clean it this time as you could tell he was in pain in that area. I watched him and thought he was doing a better good job at cleaning it. Chase is my clean boy. I dont have to worry about him not being clean. He will sit in the sun and watch himself for hours. His sister Mouse on the other hand, is my dirty butt. I dont think she has learned to clean herself. Chase will actually lay on top of her, holding her down, to clean her! HA! Its pretty funny to watch. So of course I keep him in that night again (he wasnt very happy about it) so I could keep an eye on him. The next morning the swellings gone. I was pretty releved to see it gone. So the swelling was caused by fluid build up. Chase had done a really good job at keeping it clean. There was no fluids around the was all over my floor but none on him, except for his little paw where he had been cleaning it. I washed this off for him.He let me pick him up which was a good sign which I took as, he was feeling better. When I was cleaning off his paw, I noticed right under his cheek where the swelling was, was this huge gaping hole. I looked closely at it and saw this the swelling had caused it to bust...rupture, whatever you want to call it. But other than being gross to look at, it looked fine. No more leaking. Ok nature is taking its course and he is doing ok. Being a concerned mama, I of course kept a very close eye on him through out the day. I checked his eatting, it was fine. I watched him outdoors and made sure the dogs didnt harass him. He was playing so of course, you think all is well. His bowels were good (yes I check). All was well. I piddled around my garden and played with the dogs. About sunset, I decide to call it a day and was bring all the plants inside(still cold at night here), closing the windows and doors and bring in the animals. Chase was sleeping on one of my wooden plant stands. I just usually call him and hell come. Well, I was thinking , ahhh he is doing fine, Ill let him sleep outside for right now. I said something to him and he looked up! My heart fell out of my chest and I started crying! From the bottom of his ear to just below his chin where the swelling was, the skin had peeled back ,exposing the tissue and bone underneath! He wouldnt let me near him. So I went to a friends house just down the street and got her and her boyfriend to come help me catch him. I caught him not problem but as soon as I got him in my arms, he didnt just try to get away (which isnt like him) he attacked me! For the first time in his young life! My hands and arms look nasty but nothing compared to his face! I got a closer look tho. Its bad....real bad...Its like the infection got completely under all that skin and seprating it from the tissue and bone underneath! And I do mean peeled ,ppl! There a flap of skin just below his eye thats hold the skin that peeled away. God if he catches it on something , it will rip his eye lid! How could I have missed that!? When he finally got away, he ran. We couldnt catch him. He lived up to his name last night. He didnt come in last night at all. I couldnt sleep. I kept thinking, he was dying under the house or out in one of the fields without his mama to comfort him. It was breaking my heart! This morning I let the dogs out to do there business and Chase came running in to get his breakfast. His face looks even worse (if that possible) than it did last night. The tissue and meat on his face, is turning a dark red almost black. And that flap of skin is drying out and turning gray. Because they were closed last night ,early this morning I called the vet. I am taking him in this afternoon. They wanted me to bring him in NOW! But my truck is with my hubby in another state so I have to wait for my sister to get out of school so she can take me. Im so freaked out! I cant stand to see a animal or person in pain. I know that has to be hurting him. But am I wrong? He is eatting like nothing is wrong. He is now sleeping on "his" rug in the dogs room. (yes my dogs have thier own room). I dont want to lose him. He is my little "Chasers". I feel like a bad mama! I was trying to figure out what would cause something like that. While the point is moot now, I cant help thinking about it. The cut in his eye was clean. So I was at first thinking it was the barred wire behind our house that keeps the horses out of my yard. But would that cause something like that? Then one of my neighbors got wind of what was going on (ahh the grapevine). She come to tell me first thing this morning that she had seen the other neighbors (the ones Ive been having problems with but that another story) throwing things at Chase and that she was leaving for work and saw the father kick Chase! EXCUSE ME!???? Nothing makes me madder than someone abusing an animal! And it mine at that! Well, the night before I noticed the cut above his eye, those nieghbors up and moved in the middle of the night. Now I cant help but wonder if they did this to my cat. They have been nothing but trouble since I moved in. They complain about my dogs and cats. You cant stop a cat from prowling even if you tried. I told them just to make a loud noise and he would run off. And its not like he was using thier lawn as his bathroom. I had watched him several times to see what he was doing over there. He has a "girlfriend" in the house on the other side of them. He had been just walking through thier yard to go see her. I told them that.I heard nothing else from the after that. If I ever get my hands on them........ **update** Chase is at the vets office overnight. They going to sedate him and cut away the infection. He will be coming home tomorrow. The vet said that he will have a scar but not the size of the wound. Which is good cuz it covers the side of his face! But he is going to have a scar and she said his fur mostly likely wont grow back! Im going to have a bald cat! HAH! But thats ok by me if he is healthy! **update** Chase is now home and being himself...annoying! His face looks 100% better than yeasterday. And he is happy to be home. Right now as I type, he is prowling the hall and rooms ,making all kinds of racket! Sure is nice to have him back home! This blog entry has been viewed 512 times
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OH I am so sorry about Chase!! I love animals and I don't know what I'd do if I saw someone mistreating an animal like that. It makes me furious just thinking about someone kicking your Chase!! I don't think you are a bad Mama, you did everything you thought was right to help your baby!!! Please don't blame yourself!!!
Jeez Denee that is terrible. I cannot imagine how anyone can treat an animal so cruelly. Did they move house completely?
I will Garden.
Oh Denee! I'm so glad Chase is going to be alright!! I've thought and worried about him all day. Hopefully those old neighbors of yours will get what's due them!!!
It will come back around! Im sure of it!
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