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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
My poor yardI just havent had time to really get out there and do most of my planting like I would like. Things have been down right crazy around here. Rob came home for 4 days for Easter. He got a job here in town! YAY! But he will be working out of town...on oil rigs and pipelines. But for every week he is out, he gets a week home. He will be starting two weeks training in Alabama on Mon. When he gets home, then my yard will be done! Or Ill end up killing him! HA! HE gets so restless when he isnt working. Yesterday, I was commissioned to paint a pic of a guy up in Wisconsian...however you spell it. So I started that yesterday evening. YAY! I am making new curtains for the bedroom. But I am doing a little bit every evening...Ill get it done....eventually. This past weekend I was working in my sisters yard and I stepped on something sharp. My foot was bleeding but Im a counrty girl so I didnt think nothing of it and went back to work after I had cleaned it. Yesterday, I noticed it was really hurting when I put pressure on it so last night I sliced it open with a knife. Pus came out. So I cleaned it really well and wrapped it up. When I got up this morning , I cant hardy walk on it. Im walking on the side of my foot. When I went to water my yard and plants, it reallllllyyyyyy hurt. So when I came in, I looked and now I have two red streaks coming off that area and have started moving up the side of my foot. I cut it open again and cleaned it. Hopefully it will work if I stay off my feet and give it time to heal. I HATE! doctors and only go if I have to. IT NEEDS TO RAIN! They were calling for rain today, but so far.....not even a white cloud in the sky. Last night on the news they had done a thing that showed the amount of rain we have gotten in the last 2 months. It is less then an inch of rain!!!!! My poor plants!I have to water two times a day because its sooooo hot and dry. It got into the 90s yesterday. Today its suppose to get to 93. Boy do we need rain! I hope everyone had a good Easter. I did! I got a fuzzy Easter basket and lots of candy from my Easter bunny! YEs......I am a big kid. ;) This blog entry has been viewed 554 times
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OH Denee, I'm really worried about your foot!! I used to work in a doctor's office as a medical assistant. If you have red streaks going away from the wound, you really should seek medical attention!! I know you hate doctors but that is really worrisome to me!!! Pleaseeee get it checked out!! We really want you around on the forum not sick!!! OK enough lecturing from me!! LOL!
Glad you had a great Easter Denee!
Well, Ive cleaned it twice again today and have made sure I stayed off it. It looks alot better. The red streaks are faded. I can still see the one that runs from the wound, across the ball of my foot and up the arch but its faded.
I hope it clears up Denee, I really do. I don't like going to doctors either - hate them.
I hope it clears too!! Got me worried girl!! So I'm curious, How do your rain trees look cause mine look like pitifull little sticks!!!
My rain tree has just sprouted its first leaves. Both of mine looked just like sticks stuck straight up in the ground! LOL I water mine twice a day. The one has leaves now and the second is budding them.
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