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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
Moving mix up!I was sitting out in the rose garden for a few mins this morning. I was sitting by my "Unknown red climber" and my "Chrysler Imperial". I was just sitting there enjoying the cool breeze and sun. The wind blew just right and I could smell the "unknown red". I look over at it and maybe because I was relaxing and had nothing on my mind ,but it just hit me that the "unknown red" was really my Chrysler Imperial! And that would make my "Chrysler Imperial" my red unknown! Trying to figure out how they were labeled wrong, I suddenly thought of my beloved, Rob. So I called him to ask him about the lables on the two. He told me that the day of the move from Fl to here, he was loading up the plants in the back of the truck and he noticed three labels on the ground and without saying anything, he just stuck the labels on the roses at random! I only had four roses at the time and one was a mini. Well, at the beginning of spring my "unknown white" bloomed yellow. I looked it up and found it was Golden Glow Climbing. So I took the "unknown white" label off it and place it on the rose that said "Unknown yellow" rose. Then a few days ago, my "unknown white" became a "unknown red" because of the wonderful red blooms on it. Now the one labeled "Chrysler Imperial" is about to come into bloom. Yesterday, I was thinking that the buds on my "Chrysler" were fat little things. Ive seen it bloom before by never paid much attention to them as Im always in my head, making list, trying to remember something, whatever, while Im in the rose garden. So, now, my "Chrysler Imperial" is my unknown red and my "unknown red" is my Chrysler Imperial. But if that wasnt confusing enough....... A lady was walking by my yard while I was on my way back out there to switch the labels. She made a comment about my newly labeled "unknown red". She thought the roses she had in her yard were the same as that unknown red. She gave me a name and I just looked it up. And yes Ladies and Germs, I no longer have a "unknown red" I have a Don Juan!!!!!!! YAY! That one was on my list of "must have" roses. But now I have to move it because the little bugger is going to start climbing all over the place! Right now it sits two roses away from my wisteria. Too close to another climber. Lesson learned here? Never leave your non-gardening spouse alone with your roses! This blog entry has been viewed 562 times
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Heh very entertaining entry Denee. I hope you didn't go too hard on poor Rob.
Nahh. I cant stay mad at him. Besides its amusing.
Well now where is your climbing red blaze .Hehehe.
I have a Don Juan! Does that count? haha Login or register to leave a comment. |
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