Pinkies LIfe | Posted:
Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:45 pm
I am so unbelievely bored! I have to stay off my foot but Im sitting here dying of boredom! I have been sitting in this chair for 2 days now! I can feel my butt spreading! A person can only sit for so long! Im thinking of taking an extra dose of pain meds and going outside to do some much needed work.
How can ppl become couch potatos? Dont they ever get bored? I was making up songs a min ago! LOL Glad noone is here to hear me! The dogs wont tell! ;D!
Im also thinking about going to the local art store and getting a canvas to paint while Im stuck sitting. Ive never painted on canvas and have been wanting to try it. I guess this is as good as any!
Why did I have to break my foot!!! Why not a nail instead??!!
Besides, Robs out on the rig and has been since the day before yesterday. He cant get on to me for not staying off my feet! But our roommate might tell him! Drat! Foiled again! Wait!! What can Rob do?? Im a grown woman!!! Whats he going to do?? Spank me??............. wait...lets not go there!....
Hmmmmmmm.... My walls need washing. So does the computer screen....and the tower needs dusting...why havent I seen that before?
Im listening to the radio and they are playing the same songs over and over again! I cant find my Ozzy cd...I think my man took it with him on to the rig. Drat....Ozzy always makes me feel better.
God Im soooooooooooooooooooo bored!!!!
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