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Organic treatments and prevention for Roses
This is recipes for organic sprays and ways to treat your roses with. There is nothing here that I havent tried. If its here, it works. Ill add to this as I expermint. Feel free to ask questions or comments. As you learn, I learn. Before using ,please read. ~Spray in the early morning or the cool of evening as plants may "burn" or have a reaction to what you are using in excessive heat. ~perform a test on a small portion of the plant material first, wait 24 hours to observe any negative reaction and proceed if there is no damage. ~more is not necessarily better; if you are not getting good results don't increase the strength of these remedies without testing first. ~target just the area you need to treat. ~when working with sprays or dusts always protect your exposed skin and face. Some of these ingredients can be very irritating to your skin, eyes and mucous membranes, especially any hot pepper sprays. Diseases Powdery Mildew The Vinegar Rinse 2 tablespoons white or cider vinegar (5 percent) 1 gallon water Pour undiluted vinegar into the container of a Gilmour Metering Dial (dial-a-spray) hose-end sprayer. Set the dial to deliver 2 tablespoons per gallon and start spraying. Soak the entire plant, making sure to get the undersides of the leaves. Spray in the morning. Apply once a week as needed until the weather warms up. I use a dial a sprayer. Works like a charms but if you dont have one, mix 2 tablespoons per gallon of water and mix well. Add to hand held sprayer. For Black spot Fungus to fungus spray Mix ordinary fat-free milk with water in a 1:1 ratio and apply it using a spray bottle. Spray the solution directly onto the clean leaves of your roses. The milk-and-water solution coats the leaves and leads to the growth of an invisible--and harmless--fungus. That benign fungus will prevent the formation of damaging black spot fungus. Basic Baking powder spray mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda into 1 gallon of water and spray the roses. PEST PLEASE NOTE: Nothing below works on Leaf beetles.Im told there is no organic treatment for the leaf beetle. please see blog link below for more details on this beetle. For Japanese beetles Dishwashing detergent jar ~Put 1 tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent into a wide mouthed jar. Add 2 inches of water. Pick or knock the beetles into the jar and they will die in minutes. I am using this on my Passion vine to deter all the bugs and it works great. I would think that it works on roses too. Detergent,oil and alcohol spray ~Mix 1 teaspoon of liquid dishwashing detergent with 1 cup of vegetable oil and shake well; then add it to 1 quart of water. Add 1 cup of rubbing alcohol and shake vigorously. Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and use it at ten-day intervals on pests. Cayenne pepper spray The orignal recipe goes as follows: 2 tablespoons of cayenne powder to every 2 cups of water. Shake well and spray on roses coating top of leaves, bottom of leaves, stems, and flowers/buds. I use a dial a sprayer so I had to figure out how to do it as with a dial a spray it has to be liquid so I added 5 tablespoons of cayenne powder to one cup of water. Shook well and poured it into my sprayer. I then turned the dial on 2 oz to every gallon. It does work. I have not a bug on my roses...not even to rest except the Leaf beetle. If you have a recipe of organic treatment and/or prevention, feel free to leave me a comment with the recipe and Ill try it. If It works , Ill add it to my list. Ot if you have tried one of the above recipes and it works for something other besides with it is listed for, please leave me a comment so that I might test it. Thank you!! Last edited: Thu Jun 15, 2006 10:11 pm This blog entry has been viewed 17699 times
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Thanks for the tips on black spot Denee - especially as they are organic!! I will try the milk and water solution on my roses after I've removed the affected leaves.
You got me trying organic!!! LOL So far so good. Nothing has burned my rose leaves like the store bought sprays did!
Wow fantastic tips Denee! And all organic as Eileen pointed out. You are a legend!
LOL No Im not. I have problems with my roses and am figuring out how to deal with them. Thats all.
I am going to go inspect my roses tomorrow and look for bugs and disease and if I find any, I'm going to try these organic tips. Thanks for all the info!
Pinkie this blog gets better and better :D I like the way you are utilizing the blog features even more. Heck this IS your own website now :D
Thank you! I figured that if ppl are going to be reading this alot, they will need to find what they need fast.
Do you think your cayenne pepper recipe will work for deterring rabbits/hares?thanks Login or register to leave a comment. |
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