Couldnt wait any longer
Roses | Posted:
Wed Jun 14, 2006 9:07 pm
I had treated some of my gardens with different types of organic treatment. Theres a few plant scattered around that I hadnt treated. My little experiments, if you will.
While I hadnt treated my Don Juan yet. Today I went out to have lookies sees and found this unknown beetle had his whole family and extended family invited over for dinner....main course? My roses. 5 Don Juan roses to be exact. So exetreme measures were in order!
The organic recipe I had been using all over the yard(grass only) I used on my roses. I will see if it works. And Ill post the results.
Please see my first trouble shooting roses blog for pics of this new enemy to my roses and the damage done. If you happen to know the name if this little guy , please, I beg you, share.
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