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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
BlackwaterYesterday Dianne found out she was accepted into Blackwater. Being as she wont go without Rob and Blackwater does, from what I gather, accept the buddy system, I have a constant knot in my chest now. What can I say or do to stop this without breaking my promise? Do I try to stop this? Ive been reading the news online and things seem to be rapidly getting worse since they killed Al-Zawkowi (whatever his name was) and the new guy took over. I really shouldnt be watching the news, I know but I cant seem to help it. I just wish Rob would get back and end this once and for all. The not knowing is killing me. But at the same time, I dont want to know. That will bring even more emotions to the surface. Im restless. I cant do one thing for too long. Nothing is keeping my attention. Not my painting or gardening. If you knew me well, you would know, if those two things cant take my mind off things , then its bad. I have been fighting a headache since my sister told me. Shes happy. So I say nothing. This blog entry has been viewed 659 times
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I would be doing my best to talk him out of it promise are not.This is different a
Exactly my thoughts. You MUST all talk it out together before it's too late. YOU have got to voice you opinion Denee and let them know just how you feel. Don't bottle it up inside yourself and let things go ahead - please!!!
Oh Ive put more than my share of my two cent in, trust me, when they told me about it. But a freind of mine said, when I talked to him,no matter how loud I yell or stress my points, they know in the end, Ill support them in the end. And its true.
I know if I say the words, Dont go, they wont. They have plans for that money. How can I be so selfish as to utter those words and take that from them? I dont think I can.
Pinkiered ,I too come from a very poor family .I to had big dreams that never came true.I never got the education to carry this out.I have never blamed anyone .I loved my family to much to put them through to worry .My biggest was to be a Marine .Which was just that, a dream .I do hope things work out for the best .I pray for you and yours and that they come to relize what kind of delama you are in .This money is needed but what good will it do them if they don't return home.I do feel your pain and I would voice this even if it doesn't help in the long run.God be with you.
Denee I agree with Glendann and Eileen you need to let your feelings be known too. It's not that you won't be supporting your husband, you will be protecting him!! I know it is soooo easy for all of us to just say oh just say what you feel, but Denee honey it is your life too!! And as badly as you miss your husband while he is away a couple of weeks I can't even imagine you being able to cope with him being gone for even longer!!! Maybe when he gets home you can sit home down and explain it all to him, if he loves you as much as I feel he does he will understand how you feel and he won't hold it against you!! A marriage is working together not apart!! Good luck with everything and remember we are all here for you hun!!! Login or register to leave a comment. |
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