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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
My Fourth of JulyThere is a song here in the States that Im sure all Americans have heard and will hear again tomorrow.But after Sept 11, they stood for something more than just July 4th. Below I have paste and copyed the lyrics. Its a beautiful song that touches my heart whenever I hear it. Artist: Lee Greenwood Title: Proud To Be An American If tomorrow all the things were gone, I'd worked for all my life. And I had to start again, with just my children and my wife. I'd thank my lucky stars, to be livin here today. ' Cause the flag still stands for freedom, and they can't take that away. And I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA. From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee. Across the plains of Texas, From sea to shining sea. From Detroit down to Houston, and New York to L.A. Well there's pride in every American heart, and its time we stand and say. That I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA. And I'm proud to be and American, where at least I know I'm free. And I wont forget the men who died, who gave that right to me. And I gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today. ' Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land, God bless the USA. Without going in to politics, theres a different reason for me to sing it now. Im about to share a story near and dear to my familys heart. It was right before the elections over in Iraq so they cut Diannes (little sister) home leave short. They wanted all soldiers over there for it. Well, the night she got in from Kawuat, she was still on State side time, so she couldnt sleep. She was suppose to go out the next morning at dawn for a patrol mission. She is a combat medic and every team has one. Well, her Sgt. saw her up and moving around in the early hours of the morning and she told him she was still having jet lag. He told her not to go out, that he would take her place so she could get some rest. Well, her team went out without her and had been sitting on a small hill over looking a empty field when they got a call to help a US humvie with a flat tire. When they change flats, you always do it under guard. So they went to stand guard for them. They were there for about 10 mins and headed back to the hill. As they went up the hill, they drive over a buried IED (basicly a bomb), killing them all. Well, when I found out what happened I started researching the men and thier families, esp the Sgt that took her place. I found a site about one of them where ppl were post things for the family...I posted the following... "I didnt know Reed but I am forever in his debt. He took my sisters place that day. Dianne Rich was thier medic and he took her place that day becuase she was still jet lagged from her leave. He didnt have to but she said that was just the kind of man he was. He saw her walking around early on the morning he died and told her not to worry about it and for her to get to get some sleep. If he hadnt done that, he would be alive today and my sister would be gone. She thought highly of all the men who died that day. She thought of you as her brothers and would have replaced anyone of them if she had known. She is deeply affected by his death and he is forever in my familys heart and thoughts. My thoughts and prayers are forever with the familes of these brave men." Denee Schleicher- sister of Dianne Rich of Jacksonville,FL Well, I get a call yesterday from my little sister. We had made plans not to have plans. We were just going to hang out at her house. Well, she had gone to a overnight birthday party and the next day, ran into her Sgt grandfather. This was the first time they had happen to meet. To make a long story short, it would seem, thathe had read what I had wrote all those months ago and has done so repeatly. He told her he truely wanted to met me. So, tomorrow I go met the family of the man who paid the ultimate price so my sister could sleep. Last edited: Tue Jul 04, 2006 1:37 pm This blog entry has been viewed 1272 times
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Oh that brought tears down my face.I am PROUD to be an American also.I am proud of all our men and women who serve this great country .
Denee, Extremely well said and a reminder that freedom is never free.
Words can not explain the emotions I felt reading your post Denee!! It was very moving! I hope you have a very good visit!!
God Bless you as you go Denee
Very sorry to hear that story Denee. Of course it is great that your sister did not perish that day but was still not a happy occasion. I don't know how I would react in your sister's position.
Thank you all. I have a nervous knot in my stomache this morning and I couldnt sleep last night. Im unsure what to say to them. I cant very well say thank you.
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