Lesson learned
Roses | Posted:
Tue Jul 04, 2006 2:04 pm
Two weeks and one day ago, I sprayed my roses and cannas for the Leaf Beetle that was causing so much grief. I have the date circled and everything.
It rained yesterday so I couldnt spray and today is the 4th of July so last night I thought, ok Ill just spray on the 5th when I get home.They should be ok for a day.
I went out this morning and the beetles are back in force!!! One day after I was suppose to spray! They just dont play!
They ate all the blooms on my Don Juan, Chysler Imperial and Eurpenana. They really seem to like the red roses. They ate two off my Golden Masterpeice tree and one off my Hot Cocoa. Since my Knockout is covered in blooms, I didnt count the ones eatten but it was quite a few. If that wasnt enough! They had started munching on my orange and hot pink cannas!!
I sprayed today.
Golden MasterPiece
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