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My new life is shapping up nicely
Posted: 23 Dec 2006 Posted: 29 Oct 2006 Posted: 09 Oct 2006 Posted: 27 Sep 2006 Posted: 25 Sep 2006 All Entries |
My 4th of July visitIt didnt start off very well. I left home about 2pm and had to drive to Baton Rogue to pick up my sister. Its about an 45 min drive. You have to drive over a basin bridge to get there...the bridge is about 40 miles long...I think. Its long. It goes over a swamp. Well, traffic came to a stand still as soon as I hit the bridge. I just sat there with every person in La and Ms it seemed for a good hour and a half. We finally passed a firetruck and one car. The car had barely tapped the side of the bridge.....I was not speaking a pretty language, let me tell you! All of that for one little car with barely a scratch on it!!!! Stupid ppl!! About a half mile down the bridge we passed another firetruck ,this time a finder bender nothing serious. But about 5 miles later ,once again we came to a stand still. This time it didnt take so long to move throught. Only an hour. It was a semi truck verses a truck and car. The car was being towed but there were no EMTs so everyone was fine. Finally I get to where Im going. I grab Dianne and off we go back the way I had just come! We finally find this little town called Krotz Springs. Population 1500, yes that small. Not even a red light or stop sign. After gettting lost in the many MANY back roads of this place, I finally find the place we are suppose to be. This house was my verse of paradise!!!! I love animals and have always wanted to live out in the country with lots of trees and critters running around. They have about 200 Guinese chickens (SP?), about 200 reg chickens, hundreds of rabbits, lots of cats and kittens, two peacocks (yes thats right) and one cross eyed crazy dog that bite me in the face(read on for that little story) We get there and meet Reeds brother and cousin. His dads in church. It was about 6pm when we finally pulled up. Neither Dianne or I had eatten all day so we were off to find food. We loaded up in my truck with Brian, Reeds brother and headed into town. Everything was shutting down so everyone could go watch the fireworks. But this nice lady made us some Butain balls (SP?)6 balls for three ppl. Not happening!!! So I started drinking some beer. We get back to the house and meet the father. Very nice man. I couldnt tell you who was more nervious me or him! HAH! But i had been drinking so I was ok. We are off to the fireworks show. We get there and it looks like the whole town is there ....all 1500, which isnt that many when you see them all together. As soon as Me, Dianne and Brian walked into the park, we were surround.Dianne and I just froze!!! Ppl were coming up to Brian wanting to be introduced to word spread fast!!!!!!!!!! I leaned over and whispered to Dianne, "When I say go, run like hell and dont stop til you hit the Lafayette line!" We didnt tho. We just held hands.....very tightly held hands until we could get through the crush. Out of 1500 ppl I would say I met about 1200 of them and remember only 5 names....Web, Budro, Jimmy,Crystal and Deun (sp?) and the only reason I remember them is because they were at the bar later! HA! We get to our sits which were in the front row dead center. I was handed the worse and best hot dog of my life! It was nasty but boy was I hungery! The fireworks were very nice but Dianne and I spent the whole time swatting away skeeters. One bite me right on my chin and I still have a bump the size of Mt Everest! As soon as the last firework went off, we were ready to go! Everyone it seemed wanted to talk to us. But I was about 7 beers in and Dianne about a whole 12 pack so it wasnt so bad the second time around. We finally made it out of there and off to the local bar we went. Pics, beer and shots all around! It was Reeds Dad, brother , me and Dianne and alot of the locals joined us throughout the rest of the night. I dont remember much after the last shot I did. But its ok...we were all drunk! I do remember going back to the house and for some reason was sitting on the steps of the porch. The crazy crossed dog came up wanting to be petted so I was petting her and out of the blue, she had my face in her mouth. Scared me to death! I was told she was playing.....ok......I remember getting up off the porch so they could stop the bleeding above my lip and under my chin. Thats the last thing I remember until I woke up in bed the next morning. What fun. I was just glad to get home. This blog entry has been viewed 851 times
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OMG.What a night ,hope the dog had its shots .
That was eventful Denee, you have a very entertaining way of writing. I "couldn't put it down" in a manner of speaking. Thanks for sharing!
Ohhhh What a story Denee!!! I could hardly read for laughing!! At least they were down home people instead of snobs!!! My kind of people! Seems I've been there a couple of times!!LOL!! I agree with Aunt Glenda I hope the cross eyed dog had it's shots!! Sounds like ya had an interesting but great time minus the crazy eyed dog!!! Like Aunt Glenda always says put that dog on a chain!!!
I do think I had fun. I was very sore then next day in my legs so Im not sure if I tried to run a race or what!
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