OK Thats it!
Spring | Posted:
Mon Mar 06, 2006 11:24 pm
I know what your thinking! I loved spring yesterday! But that was yesterday! Today I was pooped on TWICE! YES COUNT THEM....
By birds while working in the garden! AND! I had a straw hat on too!
Now how does one get pooped on while wearing a large floppy hat, you ask? Cuz they waited until I took it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im a natural redhead with very curly hair and it is having a fit right now! I washed it first thing this morning, then again after the first fly by and then again after the last sneak attack.
Needless to say, I havent gone back out today! Not even to check my mail. It can wait until tomorrow. Im not doing it and you cant make me!
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