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not gardening rocks no more!
Posted: 07 Jan 2012 Posted: 17 May 2010 Posted: 12 Mar 2010 Posted: 02 Mar 2009 Posted: 12 Feb 2009 All Entries |
not gardening rocks no more!I had the most amazing experience the other day. I took a shovel, pointed it into the ground, stepped on it, and down, down, down it sunk. That's right, I've moved to a place with actual soil! Well since I haven't been on here in ages, probably most people won't know why this is so amazing. The place I moved from (5 acres at the base of the Black Hills) was literally NOTHING but rocks, rocks, rocks. I wrestled a garden out of it with the help of bunny-poo fertilizer and sheer stubbornness, but it was a constant fight against disease because the plants were so stressed. I live in town now (long story, but let's just say, when one's driving is extremely limited due to partial blindness, the sudden freedom that a bus route represents is positively giddying) in an older, well-established neighborhood where many folks have taken full advantage of the perfect sandy loam we live on (it was a huge daffodil farm until the early 50's). I moved in November, so right now I'm walking the neighborhood looking at what other people have done with their yards. Another advantage: reliable access to high-speed internet that makes visiting GardenStew MUCH easier! I've also just taken on the volunteer position of head gardener at my church- so I have two gardens to play with! Yep, definitely a good season of life! Think I'll go check out what the stew has been up to & look for familiar names! This blog entry has been viewed 1097 times
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Hello Mary it's great to have you back with us again.
Glad you have some lovely soil to play in. I love living in town with everything close. Hope you enjoy creating a new garden in your new abode or close about. The community gardens in my neighbor hood have increased to 3 that I know of. So many opportunities for those so interested. It is lovely being able to share gardening interests.
There's a large green space quite close to me, where the big power lines run. It looks as if someone has turned part of it into a community garden- I'm hoping to find out more about it come spring!
Wow Mary, great to hear from you! Sounds like 2012 is going to be a wonderful gardening year for you :D Are you still painting? Hope you are.
Welcome back Mary! Wow - no are going to have some fun this year!
I have really missed you here.
I'm awfully glad to see you kept your little angel :)
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