A little hope of spring
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:01 pm
It had been a rough winter for the little Washington chickadee. Winter here was usually pretty predictable, cold with lots of rain. Sometimes a little snow, not much though. But snow so deep that a little bird's usual forage was covered completely for days, or rain that left his favorite places underwater, well, that was a bit much. So he just focused on getting through each day, some of which ended with him hungrier than when he'd started. Then, when it seemed the dismal weather would never end, a sudden downpour of icewater forced the little chickadee into a hollow beneath a crooked old fir tree. There, in the sheltered space, was a miracle, a hint of the promise of spring, of blackberries and sunshine. The chickadee opened his beak wide, and rejoiced in song.
2.5"X3.5" ATC mixed-media
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