No, Really, I'm not antisocial!
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:52 am
I had so much I'd planned to do at this point in the month, but it's all been pushed aside. DH had a medical procedure done (resulting in an "everything looks good" moment, yay) then three days later, had to have an emergency appendectomy. His esophogus was damaged, so his recovery isn't going as well as I'd hope. DS started getting this really odd pain, and I thought, is appendicitis contageous or something? But then we realized that the way he holds his new guitar, he'd probably just stretched some muscles. Whew!
So despite the fact that I didn't get my ChristMas card to everyone done (perhaps I'll alter it a bit and make it a New Years card!) I'd like to wish everyone a very very blessed ChristMas!
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