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CritterPainter's BlogVarious ramblings of a country gal
Finished painting, bee sting
Category: gardening among the rocks | Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 10:09 pm Couldn't get all the penwork to show up very well, but you get the idea. The tartan in the oval is a bit of the MacDougall plaid, always been a fave of mine since there is purple in it. I wrote up some of the history of the castle and printed off a map to it, both on antique-parchment-looking paper, and mounted that on the back. Hopefully this will be meaningful for Mom's birthday. ![]() And a closeup of the watercolor ![]() My Uncle is coming over soon, he apparently discovered some more information about this branch of the family- he's Really Into this stuff, I just think it's fun to fiddle with, especially when I find out almost-fairytale stuff like a castle in the family history! DS is home on leave from his work at the camp- he was out walking with several other folks, including a 1-yr-old, when a hive of very large agressive hornets took offense to them. Everyone else escaped unscathed, but the venom in the one that hit my son was so severe that he actually blacked out! It's been two days and he looks less like a cabbage-patch doll (it got him in the lip) and he's really wanting to get back to work. We shall see, I'm letting him make the call. This blog entry has been viewed 766 times
riverside picnic, chix salad recipe
Category: gardening among the rocks | Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:45 pm DH worked Saturday, so DD and I went on a picnic! Friends hosts this every year on the back part of their family homestead. In the winter, this back part is a field that floods on a regular basis, but in August, with the help of hours of mowing, it becomes a volleyball court, picnic tables, and a spot for swimming in the river. This year someone even dragged a paddle boat down there! ![]() The picture is a bit overexposed, but I loved the sight of all the parents looking longingly at the fun in the river. Speaking of imperfect pics, I've worked on a pic from the parade- we were still in the process of adding daffodils at this stage ![]() The chicken salad I took went over so big I thought I'd share the recipe here (I tripled it for the picnic) Brush 2 large bone-in-skin-on chicken breasts with olive oil and roast in a foil-lined pan at 400 for about 35 minutes ( I sprinkled it with onion-and-garlic pepper too). Let it cool, debone it and cut into bite-size pieces. Then mix together 2 diced celery ribs, 2 green onions minced, 1 cup mayo, 1T lemon juice, 6 T golden raisins, 2 tsp. curry powder, 1T honey, and a little salt. Add the chicken and chill. This blog entry has been viewed 1133 times
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