long absence!
gardening among the rocks | Posted:
Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:42 pm
wow, has it really been two years since I blogged here???? Well, that was when the computer hassles peaked so I guess so. Our internet connection is metered, but with DS off in school that really isn't a problem anymore. I just avoid video/music downloads.
Other than utterly crazy weather, which I'm certain some other washington gardener has spoken of, things have been pretty quiet on the prairie. Trying to slowly replace the cedar boards on my raised beds. A friend and I are headed to an all-day workshop tomorrow that, hopefully, will help me figure out why my poor plants are struggling. It seems almost cruel to plant anything at this point!
I'm in the process of rebuilding my chicken run. For some reason, the crowing of my rooster really angers my neighbor (their house is quite a ways from his singing but who knows...) so I designed a run with a solid-board wall to muffle the sound on the end that faces them. There are some really fun websites dedicated to people who live in town but raise chickens, go figure! Good thing, I suppose, that I don't have more noisy animals on my 5 acres. In the middle of nowhere. The folks on the other side liked visiting with my goat so much that they finally got a couple of their own. Lucy Belle is very happy now that she can visit other goaties through the fence.
I need to spend some time checking out the new stuff here, see if the old names are still around...
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